It's sad to think you have friends, and it's sad to think that you just may be able to live another couple months, and it's sad to think the only girl you've ever loved could one day love you in return. But it's all hope for someone who is a lost cause.
It's all stupid stupid stupid hope for someone who only has a couple months left!
I don't have any friends because the only person who talked to me died a week ago!A few more years for me would be a blessing from the stars!
And love, love is just another wish upon a star for me!
So damn this world! Damn everyone and everything in it!
Damn you most of all!
I love you and I tried to show you, I tried to tell you, but every time I would try you would shoot me down.
So damn you most of all...
Flower On The Sidewalk
Short Story"I hate you." "I love you..." "I hope you die!" "I am..." "Go to hell!" "I don't want to..." "...." "...."