Ch. 12

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(Friend) busted through the door.

"DONT TOUCH HER!" she yelled.


"DONT TOUCH HER YOU PERVERT!" She ran after him and pushing his away from me.

"(FRIEND) GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled and she stopped and looked at me.

"Why? we cant trust him! did you see what he did to his maid?!"

"No why?"

"Because it might happen to you! and I cant let that happen"

"it wont I-"

"(f/n) would you like to visit my manor?"

"sure, just let me get ready." Alois and (friend) left the room while I put on a purple dress that went to my ankles, black dress shoes, and purple gloves, then I put up my hair and walked to the front of the manor. Where there was a carriage waiting along with Alois and an angry (friend).

"(F/n), don't say I didn't warn you about him. Also im not coming" she walked back inside and Alois helped me into the carriage.

* At Alois's manor*

Alois showed me around his manor then he called his servants; When they all got there they where in a line. There was 3 triplets with purple hair and they where whispering something, and then there was a maid with purple hair, purole maids atire, and an eye patch.
"Everyone this is (f/n)! Be good with her or else"
They all bowed then walked away.
"Um Alois...w-what happened to her eye?" I whispered to him when he grabbed me by the hips and walked walked into his office.
"Forget about it my love♥" he said in a childish voice.
"O-okay" I felt worried Maybe (friend) was right...did he do something to his maid?

"is everything alright (f/n)?" he asked while lifting up my chin.

"Y-yeah sorry, im fine" we walked into his office and I sat down along with him.

"..." I sat their thinking while he just staired at me with a concerned look.

"(F/n)..." he said bluntly.


"you know...I would never hurt you, right?" he had an unpleasant look on his face.

"yeah but...where is this coming from?"

*sigh* "when we where at your manor..."

"the maid thing?"

" you believe that?"


"I want you to tell me the truth also"

"...well I don't know if I should believe her or not, I mean she has been with me all my life, and as far as I now she never lied to me, but then I have you...I can believe you too...right?"

"yes of course" he nodded and staired into my eyes with hate and worry.

"Alright..." I looked out the window where the sun was setting and I stood up. "well its getting late, I should head back to my manor" I smiled.

"you can stay my room"

" oh okay" we both walked into his room where Claude got him into a night shirt then left, and Alois gave me one of his nightshirts to wear.

"thanks" I smiled then walked into his closet where I got dressed. When I walked out Alois playfully pushed me onto his bed.

"what are you doing?" I laughed while looking into his eyes playfully.

"getting payback" he had a look on his face that I was guessing his rape face

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