Chapter Seven: All's Well That Ends Well

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Danielle's POV: It's been a month since the whole Devil ordeal and nothing strange has happened. Luckily nothing has gotten out to the press about this. If it would have, boy would we never get privacy ever again. Anyways, Michael's touring again, and he brought me along this time. It's interesting to see what goes on, but it's very hectic too. I can see why Michael says he barely gets any sleep. The two of us were backstage before the show tonight. "Michael you better put that silly string down." I said with a smirk on my face. I could see him out the corner of my eye as I read my book. He slowly sat it down with that mischievous little smile on his face. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Mike, you're on in 5." A stagehand said as he poked his head in the room. "C'mon Dan." Michael said as he grabbed my hand. I stood at the side of the stage as the concert went on. After finishing "Black or White", Michael paused the concert. "I actually wanna do something a little different right now." He said. "I have someone special to introduce you to." I looked around, thinking he brought a sick fan along, but there was nobody. He turned and looked at me. "Danielle, could you please come out here for a sec?" He asked. I was a little shocked, but walked out to him. He wrapped his arm around me and we faced the audience. I kept my head down because I have severe stage fright. Michael's shy as all hell how does he do this?! "You guys have heard about my gorgeous girlfriend Danielle." He said. Great way to make your fans jealous Michael. "I have something I've wanted to say to her for a long time." He said. He turned to me and grabbed my hands. "Five years ago, I was the loneliest I've ever been in my whole life. You were the first woman who loved me for me, and not for the fame. I know we will be together forever." He said with a smile. Where is this going? Just then, he got down on one knee. Is he really doing what I think he's doing?! "Danielle Stanley, will you marry me?" Michael asked. I felt myself tearing up. "Yes." I finally said. Michael stood up and tightly hugged me. The crowd went wild. I felt like this was a dream. He gave me a kiss. "I love you so much." He whispered into my ear. "I love you too." I replied back...
*Thank you so much for reading! I didn't think this story would turn out that good, but it actually did! I hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment if you did! And as always, I will see you, in the next story. Bye bye!!*

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