Chapter 6: The Exorcism

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Danielle's POV: Michael made me lock him inside his bedroom so he couldn't hurt me. I took anything he could use to hurt himself out of the room. He had a few little outbursts, unfortunately making a few plates fly right past my head and smash after hitting the wall. The only thing I regret is giving him a little bell to ring every time he needs me for something. He's been ringing that damn thing every five minutes I swear. "Daaaaaaaan." He yelled as he rang the bell. I can't catch a break! I went upstairs. "What's up?" I asked from outside the door. "When's that priest gonna be here? He's hurting me again!" Michael said in pain. "Just a few more minutes babe." I said, staring worryingly at the clock. "Okay." He replied. Finally, there was a knock at the door. I went downstairs to open it. It was the priest, and he brought another one with him. "Hello Father, thank you so much for coming." I said as I shook his hand. "No problem. I'm Father Stanley, and this is Father Lucas." He said, introducing the two of them. I heard grunting and yelling coming from upstairs. Michael must be having an outburst. I escorted the two of them upstairs. I knocked on the door. "Michael? Can we come in?" I asked. "Yeah." Michael said, clearly in pain and out of breath. I unlocked the door and we walked in. Michael was laying on the floor grabbing his stomach. "Mike, they're here." I said. He slowly got up and greeted the priests. "First off, we need you to sign this." They said handing us a paper. I knew what it was about. They didn't want to be held responsible if something happened to Michael. Both of us signed it without hesitation. "Good, now, we need your consent to restrain you just in case the demon may try to cause anyone harm." Father Stanley said. "Whatever you need to do." Michael said. "There's some rope in the basement. I can go get it." I said. "No need, we have brought alone what we call 'blessed rope'." He said. I was slightly confused, but I nodded anyways, just wanting to get this demon out of Michael. After a minute or two, Michael's hands and feet were tied down to the bed. I walked over to him and kissed him. "Dan, if something happens to me, I just want you to know that I love you. I always have, and I always will. I'll always be with you." He said. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I love you too." I said, trying to not cry. I kissed him again and walked to the other side of the room. "You may not want to be here." Father Stanley said to me. "I want to stay with him." I said. "Ok then, let's begin." He said. The two of them had started praying and I could see the demon coming out. Michael started growling and his eyes turned red again. Father Stanley took out a small case and sat it on the nightstand. He opened it and took out a small cross, which he kissed, and a container of Holy Water. He started splashing the Holy Water on Michael. Michael started struggling and growling. Both Father Stanley and Father Lucas continued praying, obviously aggravating the demon. Father Stanley started using his thumb to repeatedly draw a cross on Michael's head. Michael was trying his hardest to get out of the restraints. The two priests continued to pray. "Why don't you shove that cross up your ass you worthless piece of shit!" Michael said in a demonic voice. Father Stanley ignored him and kept on going. He splashed more Holy Water on Michael, making him struggle even more. The room suddenly got cold. "It's no use! I'm here to stay!" Michael said in that demonic voice. Should I just refer to him as the demon from here on out? Anyways, the bed started shaking violently. In a few seconds, the whole room was shaking. It felt as if there was an earthquake. I fell to the ground along with Father Stanley and Father Lucas. A few seconds later, it stopped. The priests continued. Father Stanley continued drawing a cross on Michael's head. "Fuck you you son of a bitch!" The demon exclaimed. Father Stanley splashed more Holy Water on Michael as Father Lucas continued praying. "Your mother sucks cocks in hell Lucas!" The Demon yelled at Father Lucas. He ignored the demon and continued on. That's when both of the priests started saying "The power of Christ compels you." In a few seconds, the ropes holding Michael down broke and his eyes rolled back. Father Lucas and Father Stanley continued chanting. "The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!" Michael started floating up in the air, his arms and legs going limp. I felt like I was watching something straight out of "The Exorcist". Father Stanley and Father Lucas continued the chant as Father Stanley continued splashing the Holy Water on Michael. A cut was then slashed on Michael's left leg, then his right. Suddenly, Michael was slammed down on the bed. Then he was dragged up a little and slammed back down. This went on for a while, Michael clearly struggling and in pain. The room started shaking again and Father Stanley, Father Lucas, and I all fell down again. The window blew open and cold air blew into the room. Suddenly, the room stopped shaking. The three of us stood up, and I saw Michael laying motionless on the bed. "Michael!" I exclaimed as I ran over to him. I gently laid my hands on his cheeks. "Michael?" I said, choking up. "...Is it over?" Michael asked, out of breath. I took a sigh of relief. "I hope so honey." I said with a smile. "If anything strange happens again, call us right away, and we'll get here as soon as possible." Father Stanley said. "Thank you so much." I said as I shook both of their hands. He nodded and the two of them left...

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