Secrets revealed

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An introduction


It was a normal day, if you counted waking up late on a Friday just to skip school all day to come home just to get yelled at then yes, it was, in fact, normal.

Soul didn't have an average teenage life. And he didnt go to a normal school, he went to a school for the mental. He was a musical prodigy meant to score high in life but he just wanted to fit in with other teens his age.

But,sadly that would never be possible. You see soul-eater-evans was albino~meaning he had white hair, but not just that he also had shark teeth. Yes, pointy, perfectly white teeth.

Not just that soul had major problems. Including depression and anxiety. But out of all of his problems the biggest one was that he had a voice, a hidden secret voice that told him what to do in hard times.

The voice is what,how,and why he has thoughts.

The thoughts started after the demon (the voice) came, after the arguing started, and after his brother Wes had died.

It was startling at first hearing that his brother had just died in a car accident on his way home from one of his concerts.

After the burial the demon revealed himself. At first soul thought that it, was in fact, Wes telling him that "he died for a reason" "It was just his time to go" and "stay strong above all of those weaker than you" and to "never fall in love for it will open you up, you will become weak"

Then the arguing started.


Now Maka's life wasn't always like this. It wasn't always horrible. Ever since she turned 10 her parents enrolled her into a mental school for OCD and then started ignoring her and fighting more. She became depressed and lonely. She didn't have any friends and ate lunch by herself everyday. She would watch the kids go home together to "hang out" just wondering what they would be doing. She was a fairly normal girl, with green eyes and dirty blonde hair. The other girls used to compliment her on her naturally light pink lips and on her oh so fair skin.

But that was ALL before her self harming and having a change in her wardrobe. Her short skirts and shorts had turned into into long skinny jeans hugging her thin thighs,calfs,and over all, legs. Her low hanging shirts,short sleeved shirts, and tank-tops had all been switched out for long-sleeved shirts and jackets. She stuffed the old no-longer worn cloths into her closet, and they are all there till this day.


Blair was an okay witch but she wasn't as good as her dad. Her dad could put out fires just by blinking and all of his tricks could be done without any words.

Blair's mom was well known as a hooker. Her parents weren't exactly together but a unmarried couple. But her father had died when she was only 13. Now living with her mom she worked part time at a club. She worked there to collect an allowance and to pass the time. They lived in an apartment complex but after her mom died,then next year when she was 15, she was kicked out of the complex and was left on her own.

But while living with her dad she had learned how to turn into a different animal with just a *snap* of a finger.

She chose a cat and that was how she got feed switching before and after school. One day she gave up her normal routine to follow a certain stranger home. She lived with Maka for a total of 5 months changing into a person to help the girl out around the house. Over those months she had learned a lot about this girl. Blair now knows her crushes, likes, put-downs, and dislikes. Almost like they had always known each other all of their lives.

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