Chapter 10

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"AND FRANKY IS NOW YOURS!" he made his way to the door.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I trailed behind him.

"I CAN AND I DID!" he then slammed the door.

Placing my hand on my stinging cheek I smiled. I withdrew my hand and passed Franky into my room. Opening the door I was greeted by a smirking Soul sitting on the windowsill.


His smirk dropped when he saw my face, i immediately felt aware of my facade. He jumped of the windowsill and in three large strides he made it in front of me.

"Are you okay?..."

"don't worry about me"i looked into his eyes and faked a smile "I'm fine"

He placed one hand on my cheek and moved my bangs behind my ear with the other.

"I know your lying to me, but I want to talk to you about something else" he meet my eyes and moved both of his hands onto my shoulders."okay?"

"Um y-yeah"

"I want to help you" he said withdrawing his arms and taking a step back.

"With what?..." I answered confused. I'm not that used to people helping me especially strangers.

"Everything" he answered simply.

"Everything?...." I took a step back and let my inside voice out. *You JUST met him, it's unreasonable. Pointless. You've done fine this far. Why does that have to change?

"But he helped me"I whispered back * oh please just because he so called helped you your going to let him in. Your going to ruin this fucked up life of yours. *

"Exactly it's already fucked up so why not" *he might push you over the edge. He'll be your down fall. "Shut up!" I screamed. "Just stop" my body started shaking as it slid down the hallway wall.

"Maka?" Soul lowered himself to the floor so his face was at the same level as mine. His face was filled with... Concern?

"You can't help, there's to much."

I rested my head into the folds of my arms. "Why"

"Come on Maka, come here" he opened his arms but all I did was stare at him. Who did he think he was. Instead of putting his arms back down he moved forward and lifted me by slipping his arms under my armpits. When I was standing all I wanted to do was cry. My life really is fucked up.

He was walking me down the hallway towards to couch when something from the kitchen fell.

Looking foreword I saw frankly standing in the middle of a pile of glass. "Not again" I groaned and pushed foreword towards her but Soul bet me and picked her up out of the glass. He then placed her on the couch and met me halfway on my way towards her.

"Who's that" he whispered as I passed him.

"That's Franky" I say down next to her as she continued to talk to herself under her breath.

"She's well she's schizophrenic" I said stroking her hair. " and she's also my half sister"

"How old?"he asked

"Ten, my dad left her here for me"

"Why for you?"

"So that I can take her to my school. It's a school for kids with problems"

"At least it's Saturday"

"Yeah...... Hey Soul?"


"I-I think I'll let you help"


"Yes" I answered and looked up at him "with everything."

He smiled, and for the next few hours, we sat with Franky and talked about anything that came to mind. Though I knew that both of us needed it, neither of us let on about our issues, instead we talked about books, food, random things that contained very little value. Eventually, little Franky yawned, bored with the conversation, as well as tired.

"I'll put Franky in bed,". Soul offered, standing.

I picked her up again. "No, I've got it,". I mumbled, and started to walk to what was my parents room. Making the mental note to tomorrow get rid of their belongings. I set her down in the bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders.

I pressed my lips to her forehead. I left her there and went to my room closing the door going to my own room to get some sleep of my own.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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