Chapter Four

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Lisa's P.O.V

I feel bad for leaving Cosmic without saying anything but I do need to talk to my parents and her mom. "Ah Lisa, we were waiting for you." My mother's voice reached my ears as I made it into the dining room.

"I apologize, I was making sure Cosmic got the proper treatment," I spoke softly as I took a quick look around the room. My uncle, Nick was sitting next to Cosmic's mother whose face held a worried look. "Her one wing is a little banged but she'll heal as soon as she has access to the one she calls Erebus."

"That's the reason we are all here, your mate is not safe to be around the public obviously. I also do not think she is fit to run the Alpha position." Right to the point, my father's eyes held hatred for my mate causing my wolf to stir slightly in my head.

"Cosmic is my mate. I won't have anyone else, I do agree she needs some proper-" I was cut off from a loud thud that rang through the hallways "Ignore her, anyways I am willing to teach her. There is no need to worry as I have it under control." I could tell my parents were speaking in the mind link as they both held stoic faces, their eyes slightly glazed over.

"I am sorry, We cannot put public at risk." I growled at my father as my parents both stood and excused themselves from the room.

"Don't hurt her," I turned towards Miss Black who was now standing. Her face void of any emotion as she stared at me "If she's hurt again, I am afraid she may not come back from it. Just remember to get to Cosmic you have to go through Erebus. You can start a conversation with Cosmic and end it with Erebus. The two of them are not like us, they are special." With that, she turned and walked out the room with Nick following close behind. I sat in a chair as I enjoyed the silence. My mind was filled with hundreds of thoughts but all of them lead back to my mate. 

For my wolf's sake, I stood from my chair and started making my way back towards her. I made my way back to the room and realized the halls were eerily quiet. As I made it to my destination, I placed three light taps on the door before slowly opening it. Upon realizing the lights were shut off, my wolf went on high alert. 

"I can't sense anyone." My wolf huffed in annoyance. I took two more steps into the room before the door was slammed closed behind me "Cosmic?" I heard a snort of laughter before I was pushed against a wall

"Guess again." The voice held a lot of power behind it. It was also very hoarse like the person was on the verge of losing their voice. My wolf was going crazy as she fought me for control. "You are so beautiful." I looked up and met a vibrant pair of yellow eyes

"You aren't too bad yourself,"I mumbled as I scanned her face. "I assume you are Erebus. Why are you in control and how'd you get out?" I know I didn't take the chains off her wrist so she shouldn't have been able to take control or get the chains off.

"I am not normal. I am stronger then your pretty little mind could ever imagine." She dipped her head into my neck and planted an open mouth kiss on it. "I only got control because Cosmic was afraid."

"I didn't mean to scare her. I had to go speak with my par-"

"It wasn't that." She cut me off quickly "You locked her in a room for something she didn't do. I took over and attacked your guards, it's just when that guy kissed you and I took him as a threat. Cosmic gave me one hell of a fight because she was afraid I would hurt you" She chuckled lowly which caused my heart rate to skyrocket "I am the first and only of my kind. I am not like a wolf. My soul is nineteen right alongside Cosmic. I haven't been passed on to anyone or from anyone. I will make mistakes along the way." She paused and pulled her head from my neck and caught my eyes. "But I promise, If you accept me, I'll go to the moon and back for you." Instead of replying, I crashed my lips onto hers. She instantly responded but I could tell she had never done this before which made me smile. Her lips were soft and I felt her grin into the kiss before pulling away "That was great." I gasped before smacking her chest at her comment.

"Can Cosmic come back?" Erebus paused and I figure she went into her mind link with Cosmic before she nodded.

"I have one condition." I nodded telling her to continue "I want to meet your wolf later." I again nodded before pulling her into a kiss. As we pulled away from her, her eyes slowly went back to their normal ocean blue.

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