Over Again ( A 1D Fanfic )

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Wanna watch that again?! Valeria said with a smile. They had been watching clips of their childhood. Harry smiled back and said " sure ". He went to go get them a snack. Hi, Valeria's mother said. Glad to see you here. I thought you were moving to Florida! I was, Harry said. But then I thought of all of my friends and family members that would I would dearly miss. Right now I'm living a couple blocks down from here. It's the house that's been for sale since 3 months ago.

5 Weeks Ago ( Harry's POV ) 

I walked to school with Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Valeria, Rae, and Harvee. I didn't know how to tell them that I was moving to another state! Florida! My mom has this poster in the house saying that she hates traveling on planes,so if I wanted to come visit my friends, I would have to know how to drive. I can't even win first place in Mario Kart, so how can I pass the driving test?! I had to tell them sooner or later. I decided to tell them now, but all that came out was "I'm ... Uh...uh. I said to myself, I'll tell the news later when everyone's happy. We Got to school kinda late today because Harvee wasn't awake when we went to pick her up. It didn't really matter because it was Monday. I forget to set my alarm all the time. That's why the guys call me lazy. But thanks to her, the subject was changed and no one asked what I was going to say.

* At School* 

( Zayn's POV ) 

Ugghhhh! I hate math class! Valeria! ... Rae! I heard them whisper to each other that I was so loud and demanding! I heard that .. Finally I got to say wat I want to say. Can you do this for me, I said in a "cute" voice.The word "NO" is all I heard. Even Liam joined the girls to say it. Liam was the smart one. He told me a legisure about how we were in high school and next year is college. He said that I should be more aware of school business. I'm not as smart so I was half asleep during the whole thing. I knew this would prepare me for college, but I just hate PI. Like seriously, who created that number! And why?! Anyway, I knew the answer was no, but I had to try. Math wasn't my least favorite class though. It was science I was horrible at. The teacher, Mrs.Blarn, drives me crazy. She doesn't even give me time to get a glimpse of myself in the new mirror I got with my name carved in it. But I'm pretty sure my quiff looked fine, considering I asked Louis to put on a ton of hairspray. That man is like a cat with yarn when I ask him to do that.

( Niall's POV ) 

LUNCH, FiNALLY! I love this time of day. It was about time I get some food in my tummy. Rae, you're so lucky. Your mom always packs you the best lunches. It even tempted Harry the other day when she brought tacos. I buy from the stinkin school cafiteria. I mean it's not so bad if you think about it. No wait I did not just say that. I didn't mean what I just said. This food is just like having barf and baloney. Uhhh. I have Gym two classes after lunch. I need to get a good, not very nutritious LUNCH! This is not working for me. I always imagined that one day, our little group here with all of us would be famous together one day. Maybe as World's Awesomest Crew or something. Yeah don't judge me. I have an epic brain. Whatever goes on up there is crazy. Liam, can I have your potato chips!

( Liam's POV ) 

We had a few minutes to spare in the locker room. Harvee and I do this thing where when we are finished getting dress, we would come to the corner by the side of the hallway and meet up. It was kinda our thing. We don't like walking alone and we are in the same gym glass anyway. Today I told her to try to get there early because I needed to ask her something " important". I mean we were in the last year of high school and you know. My parents always said this was about the time to get in a relationship. HARVEE! I think Rae's been crushing on me since the fifth grade. I mean I knew her for a long time. I remember when she had blonde hair. I love the color now though. Ohhhhh! Harvee said. Do you like Rae?! Is this why you told me to come early?! SHUT UP! I said. No need to spread it around the school! Anyway, she's done a good job acting like she doesn't, so I'm not that sure. Can you see for me? Heck no! Are you crazy? she said. Rae is a great friend of mine and if she did like you, she wouldn't want me to tell you. She paused for a moment. Her face blushed rose red and she said.. Okay whatever , She LIKES you and you like her!!! Ahhhhh! Can't wait till your wedding! HEY HEY HEY! No need to gloat for me I can do it myself! I screamed for a WHILE inside. I never knew this would happen. She was beautifulll. You know , whenever we have a conversation, she never blushes. But I think I do. :\ oh well! Yesterday, her mom called my house and said to come to their house after school today. I don't know. Maybe something good will come out of it! Just so happy!!!!!!!!!!

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