Chapter 19

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Selena sat up slowly and looked at Nick. He was fast asleep, his leg propped up with a pillow. His snores echoed softly around the room and Selena smiled. For some reason, it made Selena’s heart beat just a little faster. Then she remembered why she was still awake and her heart stopped completely for a second.

She slipped out from under the covers and tiptoed out of the room. She headed downstairs and into the kitchen soundlessly. When she got to the sink she knelt down and opened the door, pulling out the boxes she had hidden there earlier today.

Her heart then started to hammer inside of her chest as she crept back upstairs and into the guest room, where a separate bathroom was. She turned on the light and slipped inside the bathroom, shutting the door. She moved to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was a little pale, but that was expected with how nervous she was.

She then opened the first box and pulled out the instructions before following them. Leaving the stick on the side she pulled out another and repeated until she had five sticks all lined across the sink counter.

Her hands started to tremble as she counted down the seconds in her mind, her heart beating frantically as she awaited an answer. When she hated counted to five hundred she knew she was stalling herself. So nervously she turned over the first stick, a plus sign was shown in the circular area that told her, positive. The second one was just a vertical line and a faded horizontal line; void. The third one had a plus and so did the other two.

She was pregnant.

Her legs finally gave way as she crashed to the floor in shock. How could she have been so careless!? They had only known each other for two months, only three of the weeks as a couple. She grasped onto her phone, that she had slipped into the breast pocket of Nick’s shirt and dialled Jennifer.

“Selena?” Jen rasped tiredly. “Someone better have died for you to be calling me this early.” Jen muttered.

“I’m pregnant.” Was all Selena said and the phone went quiet before you could hear a rustle and Selena knew Jen was sitting upright, her eyes now wide and her sleep dispersed.

“Are you sure?” Jennifer asked.

“Four out of five says I am.” Selena whimpered, forcing back the sobs that wanted to escape her, instead her body shook as she sat sprawled on the floor.

“Damn Selena, how did this even happen? How long since your last period?” Jen blurted out.

“I was meant to take my pill at six but I was getting ready for our date and then the accident happened and it all slipped my mind. I’m a week late Jen and now I have four tests saying I’m pregnant and I’m so stupid. Jen I don’t know what to do. What do I do?” Selena rambled, her voice getting louder and louder with every word.

“Selena, you need to tell Nick. You need to tell him and see what he wants before you rush into something you might regret. How long do you think you are?” Jen asked her.

“Well the last time we had sex was three weeks ago, so nearly a month next week.” Selena whispered, her body now crashing from the adrenaline that was just a few moments ago pumping around her system.

“Tell him Selena. You need to tell him when he wakes up.” Jen said once again and all Selena did was nod, though she knew Jen couldn’t see.

That was when the bathroom door opened and there stood Nick, balancing on a crutch. “Selena, are you okay?” He asked when he saw her sitting on the ground, tears slipping down her cheeks and onto his shirt. “What’s going on?” He asked, and Selena forced herself off the ground, the cell phone dropping to the floor as she grasped the sticks into her hand. “Selena, what are you doing with…” Nick stopped speaking as the scene in front of him was finally completed in his mind; the pregnancy tests, Selena in tears and a muffled sound coming from the cell phone on the floor.  “Are you?” Nick asked Selena as she dropped the tests into the bin and turned to him, tears now flowing through her barricade, blurring the world in front of her. “Are your pregnant?” He finally asked her.

Selena just continued to cry as she watched Nick manoeuvre around the bathroom on his crutch. “I’m so sorry.” Selena finally spoke as he knelt down and pulled off the bin lid to see what the tests had said.

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