Things Are Looking Up

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~~Rockys point of view~~

'Cmon Rike..' I whisper

Its been probably three hours since everyone woke up. I dont know why Riker hasn't yet

We've made small talk and sang a few songs. Other than that, its been dead silent. I don't like silence that much

For like the one millionth time, I look Riker over. Besides the cut on his forehead, there's nothing that would explain this situation

"Hold up.. What's that?!"

I notice something I hadn't seen earlier. Just above his left knee, there's a dark red splotch.

"Oh shit.."

'What? What is it Rock?' ma asks

'Shit, did I say that out loud?' I ask

'Yup' Rydel nods


'Well-' I start. '-I think I know why Riker here hasnt woke up yet'

'Really? Why?' Vanni asks, moving closer. She had slide over to Rydel earlier for another girl chat

'I don't know why I didn't see it before, but there's a piece of glass or something in his leg'

'Then it's probably infected' Ross points out

I nod my head

'Lemme see' ma says walking over

I move a little so mom can get a good look at his leg.

'One of you give me your phone. I need the light' mom orders

Surprisedly, Rydel hands hers over instead of Ross

I glare at her

'No service bro' she glares back

Mom rolls her eyes and turns the LED light on. The staircase is brighter than the other area we were in before, but not by much

She shines the light on Rikers knee. My stomach does a full 360. The glass has to be aleast 7 inches long. Only about 3 inches are sticking out.

'I'm gonna be sick' Vanni says getting up quickly. Rydel follows her

'We need something to tie it off, like a tourniquet' I say

'Here' Ross says, holding out his bandana

'Thanks darling' ma says taking it

Mom holds Rydels phone in one hand and tries to tie the bandana around Rikers leg with the other. She's having difficulties

'Let me do it Stormie' dad says, coming into view

Mom gives up and hands dad the bandana. He ties it around easily

"Something's not right" my mind interrupts

I look around. Mom and dad are in front of me. Ross and Ryland are to my left. Vanni and Rydel are somewhere over there, and Ellington-

"Ellington! Where is he?" I realize

'Yo Ell. Where are you?' I ask into the darkness

'I'm right here bro..' he answers


'You okay? You've gone silent'

'Yeah, just thinking about my parents. They don't know if I'm okay or-' Ell says

'Hey! They know that their stubborn son won't give up that easy'

'I'm not stubborn!' he fires back

'Uh, you wanna bet?' Ross buts in

'Alright alright. Maybe I am a little bit. But not all the time right?' Ell laughs

'Nah' Ryland says before I can even open my mouth

Savannah and Rydel appear from the shadows. Vanni is really pale. She most likely just threw up some

She gives a weak smile and sits next to Riker. Avoiding eye contact with his knee

'What time is it?' I ask curiously

A light shines on Ross's face 'Just about 3:30'

'Morning or night?' Dad asks, adjusting the bandana a little

'morning..' Ross sighs

That's when I notice all of us have dark circles under our eyes. We haven't really gotten good sleep in the past few days

'You got any games on that?' Ryland asks

'Huh?' Ross questions

'Games. On your phone?' Ry clarifies

'Oh yeah. Uh I got Fruit Ninja.. Wanna play multiplayer?' Ross says

Ry nods and they start swiping at the fruit

"Yippie for them, I'm bored"

Rydel puts her arm around Vanni. Savannah puts her head on Del's shoulder

I look down at my big brother. When Vanni had left to talk with Rydel, I had leaned him against my shoulder

'Dad, can we trade places for awhile? My butt is numb from sitting here'

'Yeah sure' he replies

Dad holds Riker as I slide out from behind him and stand up

I stretch my arms and crack my neck "Ah, that feels better"

'Hey Rocky' Ell says

'What's up?' I ask, squinting to see him in the darkness

'Wanna arm wrestle?' he asks

'Why?'I laugh

'I don't know, its something to do' Ell laughs back

I shake my head and lay on my stomach. Ellington does the same in front of me. We lock our hands together. Just as were about to start round 1


HIATUS-Caught In The Storm (Riker Lynch/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikdel/Rikoss)Where stories live. Discover now