Going Under

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(A/N: Enjoy....)

Courtney slides down into Rockys outstretched arms, landing with a soft whump. He sets her feet gently on the ground, holding her upper arm until shes balanced

'Thank you' Courtney says while dusting herself off

Savannah steps forward and squeezes her in a tight bear hug 'Are you okay? Are you hurt?'

Courtney points to her jacket, which is now loosely tied around her leg 'A rebar dug into my leg.. Doesnt hurt much now.. How about you two?'

'I really shouldnt be walking' Rocky states 'With this stupid bar through my knee, its making it hard to keep up!'

Vanni sighs 'Im sorry Rock. If I was walking too fast for you, you shouldve told me'

Rocky shakes his head 'I didnt mean you were going too fast, I meant I was going too slow to get away from all this' His hands circle the room, motioning to the destruction

'I know what you mean. Try being stuck in the same spot for a few hours being too afraid to fall asleep in case something else happened' Courtney says

Savannah stretches 'We should get moving. The water is still rising'

'Sounds like a good idea to me!' Courtney exclaims, starting to walk away

Rocky watches her 'Uh.. Where are you going Court?'

'We just came from that way' Vanni adds

Embarrassment reddens Courtneys cheeks 'Oh, heh heh' She turns around, pointing behind Rocky and Savannah 'That way then?'

They both nod, laughing quietly. The three of them hobble and wobble down the torn a part corridor. They make small talk occasionally, but other wise its quiet

After around half an hour of aimless wandering, Savannah stops 'Do you feel that?'

Courtney and Rocky slow to a stop 'Feel what Vanni?' Court asks

Vanni looks to her feet 'The ground.. its moving'

Rocky shares a confused look with Courtney 'Its always moving because the Earth is spinning.. Did you hit your head Savannah? Should we be worried that you have a concussion and youre gonna go passin out on us?'

'No, its shaking.. Like an earthquake' Savannah clarifies, a bit annoyed

She looks up 'Dont you feel it?'

Courtney looks at her friend 'No, I don-' She trails off when their surrounding area shakes noticeably

'Okay, now I feel it!' Rocky tries to joke

Court punches his shoulder 'This isnt funny Rocky!'

Savannah jogs to the fighting duo 'Alright you two!'

Multiple blocks break away from the wall, murky water pours out

Rocky pushes the two girls' shoulders, forcing them in front of him 'RUN!'

Courtney resists 'You cant run!' She slips an arm under Rockys

Vanni does the same on his other side 'Were not going without you!'

With the help of a dimly lit EXIT sign, the three half run, half jog in a direction they really hope leads to a place away from the quickly rising water. The cracked ceiling gives way behind them and pieces shower down over them. Some splash into the water at their feet, others bounce off their heads and shoulders

Rocky, Courtney, and Savannah wade through the now waist high water, stopping a few times to regain their grip around each other. Almost lost in the rumbling, they hear someone shouting

"Come on! We have to keep moving!"

'Head for that voice!' Rocky shouts

Courtney turns them to the left, this new hallway is less destroyed

"Look out!"

'Whoever they are, they might know a way out of here!' Vanni yells

The trio presses onward, being slowed down by the large amount of water. Soon they come upon a clearing. Voices echo around the big area

"Keep moving!"

"Be careful!"

Courtney scans the area 'Look!' She motions across the way to where three boys are frantically fleeing the space. Two are blonde, the other is a brunette. One blonde walks with a limp. The other blonde and the brunette both are favoring their arms and rib area

'RIKER!' Savannah shouts

The tall blonde whips around at the mention of his name 'SAVANNAH!?'

The three boys were Riker, Ross, and Ellington. Ross yells 'COURT!'

All of them swim to each other, hugging as best they can in the water. The water level is up to Rockys shoulders, and hes the tallest of the group!

'Theres no way out of here!' Ellington yells

'Riker!' Vanni shouts 'I cant- cant touch!'

Its then that Riker remembers his dream he had (A/N:its was a few chapters ago) Savannah had said the same thing right before she went under and he couldnt get to her

Protectively, Riker squeezes his girlfriend in a hug. The water is at all of their chins now

'Jump' Riker tells Vanni. She hops and wraps her legs around his waist so her head is higher

'Were gonna drown!' Courtney cries

Ross responds 'No we are not Court!'

'I dont know Ross, the water is almost over our heads and theres no exit!' Rocky points out

Riker buts in 'We all are going to live!'

Bad luck strikes again... Vanni slips and her head disappears under the water

'VANNI NO!' Riker

HIATUS-Caught In The Storm (Riker Lynch/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikdel/Rikoss)Where stories live. Discover now