Chapter 10- Hazel's Story

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"Why were you attacking us?" Hazel asked, crossing her arms with a sigh as she dragged Draco's body out of the iron trough with a grunt, dropping her katana on the ground. Ash had already explained why his flames were the way they were and Hazel was not impressed. Phoenix could've eaten the fire in the fireplace if he was that hungry...Hazel thought as she ran her hand through her long hair whilst surveying the land for Skye and Topaz. Obviously, they had fled in the midst of the battle.

"Well, Phoenix said I could go hunting as long as I didn't eat any humans/wizards" Ash exclaimed, looking at Draco with what looked like a smirk. "He didn't say anything about Demons though. Wait, what do you mean us? I saved your life!"

"Draco isn't a Demon..." Hazel sighed, shaking her head with a slight frown as she looked up at the setting moon and then the rising sun. "He's an Angel wizard and was accompanying me whilst I went to find YOU and PHOENIX!"

"Oh..." Ash sighed, looking disappointed as he stared at Zero who was left on left on his back on the ground. "Well, I've already eaten a few wild boars and two werewolves so I should be good for a while now. Anyway, Phoenix has gone missing but at least you found me, right?"

"WHAT?" Hazel yelled suddenly, making Ash jump beside her before giving her an annoyed stare as Draco groaned in his sleeping state

"Yeah, he said I could go hunting and when I came back, he was gone... I was only an hour." Ash mumbled, looking at the orange rays of the sun as it rose over the horizon and then down at Draco. "Hey, if he dies in a few minutes... can I eat him?"

"NO" Hazel gasped, growing worried as Draco began to wake up, grimacing as the morning light touched his pale skin. "Look, I know you don't like me but can you please take him back to Mr. Densil as quick as possible?" For a few moments, ash just looked at Hazel like she had just asked him to eat glass before bursting into raspy fits of laughter.

"Are you serious?" Ash laughed, shaking his head like it was the most hilarious thing in the world. "You expect me to help the guy that attacked me? You can forget it!" Looking up at Ash in desperation, Hazel realised how much she was pushing her luck. I'm lucky that I'm still alive right now. Why Ash is being so tolerable towards me is anyone's guess. Hazel thought, nodding her head silently as she diverted her head away from the beasts blood red eyes and dragged Draco towards the shade of an Oak tree in the middle of the field. Sitting under a completely different tree after making sure Draco was okay, Hazel pulled her knees up to her chest and stared at the vampire, barely noticing Ash as he came to a halt beside me. "What's wrong?" The beast asked although she didn't really hear him.

"I'm really scared..." Hazel whispered rocking herself from side to side, jumping as Draco twitched in his 'sleep'. Noticing this, Ash looked from Draco to Hazel with a knowing expression.

"You're scared of the vampire? Yes, I know. Why do you think I went through the trouble to save you back then?" Ash sighed, shaking his head, laying down about a metre away from Hazel as he also stared at the vampire.

"Why did you do that? Why are you being so nice and tolerable? When you first transformed, you hated me." Hazel asked, turning her face to gaze at the tamed unicorn beside her despite the heat.

"It's what Phoenix would've told me to do anyway. Don't get me wrong, I still hate and want to eat you." Ash sighed, sounding a little annoyed as he looked away from the beautiful blond and towards the sunrise. "It's just that if he gets mad because of something I have or haven't done, I have a feeling it'll spell bad news for me" Before Hazel could say anything in answer to this, Draco groaned and his eyes slowly opened. Looking afraid again, despite what he had just said Hazel hid behind the Ash who immediately rose to his feet... or hooves. Composing herself as Draco looked over with a worried expression, Hazel sighed as she saw Draco look at ash with anger as he thought she was in danger.

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