Chapter 4- On The Road Again

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That evening, Phoenix was ordered to sit at a grand wooden table as Hazel waltzed in, carrying two large, decorated china plates. On these plates were a variety of perfectly cooked meats, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, boiled vegetables and thick gravy.

"Enjoy." Hazel wished with a sparkle in her blue eyes as Phoenix stuffed his face with the good food whilst she ate in a much more dignified mannar.

"Thanks, I will" Phoenix grumbled through a chewed up potato that was currently filling his mouth.

"I'm not trying to be rude, but how can you be so hungry?" Hazel asked, stiffeling a giggle as Phoenix began attacking the rare stake. Looking up at her with squinted eyes, Phoenix realised it must've been the amount of magic power that he used that sapped his energy, making his body need more food.

"Dunno" He grumbled in reply as he ripped a different piece of meat apart as he had finished the steak. "Probably because its the best food ever so I can't stop"

"Aww thank you!" Hazel smiled, looking proud although she had a slight blush on her cheeks "its really not that good!"

"Oh yes it is" Phoenix smiled, realising that he was getting a bit too friendly for his liking.
I've gotta leave tomorrow. No point being friends with her... More trouble then she's worth.
For the rest of the meal, the two wizards ate in silence, the only sound being the awkward clearing of throats or the screeching of metal against china.

"That was nice. Thank you" Phoenix said gratefully as he took his and Hazels cleared plates and put them into the kitchen once the two had finished.

"Its no trouble" Hazel smiled, looking as proud as a peacock. "I'll make breakfast in the morning as well and then we can go out site seeing!"

"Sure" Phoenix sighed, turning away with a slight tinge of guilt. Shaking his head, he hardened his expression and yawned a fake yawn. "Anyway, I'm beat. Night"

"Goodnight. Sweet dreams" Hazel called after him politly as Phoenix began walking towards the spare room. Nodding, Phoenix closed the door quietly behind him as he entered the room and began to undress until he was stood in only his blue boxers and dragon scale charm. Leaving his clothes in a heap on the floor, he flung himself onto the soft bed before burrowing into the warm duvet with a blissful groan. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept in a bed this good.
Nice girl but... She'll just get in my way. I don't have time for academy's or sightseeing... Phoenix thought with a sigh as he rolled onto his side, closing his amber eyes. After a few minutes of thinking, Phoenix felt himself drift off into a deep sleep. But then again... its not like I've got anything to do with my life at the moment anyway...

Waking up the next morning to the sound of neighing horses, Phoenix blew some red hair out of his face and rolled onto his side with a groan. Blinking a few times, he quickly remembered where he was and jumped out of the comfortable bed.
I need to get dressed and out before Haze--- oh no! Head-rush! Phoenix thought worriedly, stumbling around and reaching for his clothes. However, as his vision cleared he looked desperately around the room to find that they where nowhere to be found.

"What the---" Phoenix mumbled as he saw a white dressing gown on the door which wasn't there the night before. Shrugging, Phoenix decided that it probably wasn't his so cautiously, he sneaked out of the room, wincing at the loud squeal of the door hinge. Almost silently, Phoenix tiptoed down the hall as he remembered that his was only in his boxers with a slight frown. Looking down at his watch, his jaw could've hit the floor as he realised what time it was.
Seven O'clock! Are you kidding me?! Phoenix thought as he flicked his watch a few times to make sure that it was working. I should have been up two hours ago! Must've been that comfortable bed...
Sighing, Phoenix slipped through another creaky door and into the living room. Luckily, Hazel wasn't in there so with a sigh of relief, Phoenix realised that she must be in the bungalows kitchen. Looking at the dinner table, next to the fireplace, Phoenix almost yelled in relief as he saw his clothes. They were folded in a neat pile and as Phoenix walked over to them, the scent that emitted from them was quite pleasant.

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