The Turtle and The Peacock

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The skies were filled with dark clouds, as if rain were brewing. The air was moist, but somewhat warm. The fact that I wasn't sporting a hoodie wasn't the downside to this day. It was what was triggered on there, on this day, in the school parking lot; that would consume all that I was, and show me what true emotions were. What began there, in that parking lot, was not the beginning of a beautiful love story. It was the beginning of a challenge of strength, and sanity.

"Who is that girl?" I asked, in awe.

She was the dark beauty, under the dark clouds. She was the only person in this crowd of students, waiting for the bus, that had grasped my full attention. She was tall, had beautiful dark skin, and long black hair. Her eyes, which I would later gaze appone, were now covered by the glare in her prescription glasses.

"Oh, her?" My traveling companion questioned. "That's Peacock. She's new here, and she's an honor student.

I knew she couldn't have been a local. None of these girls could even compare to her, not even the one right beside me. Her aura was simply soft, and tantalizing. I could feel it from here. When she turned her head to us, her attention probably grasped by the sounds of our footsteps, it was as if God had taken notice of me, in the form of this beautiful young woman. She caught her hair, which blew through the air, into her line of vision, in order to take notice of me, and my traveling companion, who would soon go to join her in casual conversation. As I sat there, next to my would-be classmate, The images of her, taken into memory, flooded my mind.


Turtle awoke from his daydream. He had spaced out again, at work. Sitting at his desk, he was still holding his cup of coffee. He sat in front of his computer, trying to recall his last thought, before drifting off into the past. He ran his hand through his shaggy, brown hair, and adjusted his glasses. He then took another sip of his coffee, and proceeded to type up his assignment.

Those events took place six years ago, in high school. Many attempts to win this Peacock over took place as well. This three year battle was left at a stalemate on graduation day, when he would leave his home, in order to find a better life for this high school graduate. Doing all that he could, exhausting all options and plans, he could leave that place, feeling accomplished.

After work, Turtle packed his papers, and other various office equipment, into his suitcase, and proceeded out of his office. Walking out into the hallway, Turtle's footsteps were in perfect sync with another man's; one who walked beside him. turtle was accustomed to leaving work with this "co-worker".This was, in fact, a close associate, Koi.

Koi was a born, and raised, in this city that Turtle had moved to. He wasn't professional at all. In fact, his most appealing quality was how easy it was to befriend him. He was a good judge of character, which would explain why Turtle was his closest co-worker.

As the two proceeded out the door, into the streets, a female worker stood at the drinking fountain, sipping from a cup of water. This woman, Ms. Angel Fish, was an assistant manager. Despite this, she was very friendly, earnest, and very casual. She was a tall french woman with long hair, which she dyed black, with purple highlights. She sported prescription glasses along with her attire, consisting of a violet button-down shirt, tight purple pants, and a black high heels.

"Are you going home already, boys?" Angel asked, calling out to them from down the hallway. "Me and some of the other workers are getting together for a big party tonight at the Chinese resteraunt. Are you sure you don't want to come too."

Her voice; her proper way of speaking and her french accent, along with her soft harmonic voice was enough to catch these two zombies' attention. As Koi stretched, and yawned, Turtle would turn to respond to her. Some would say that Angel had a striking resemblance to Peacock. But not to Turtle. Angel was in a separate category of beauty from his beloved Peacock. As he turned back to her, though, he would notice the first three buttons on her shirt were "unbuttoned", letting her large breasts show off. Her thighs were large, and so was her butt. And her tight pants did nothing but show them off. She was a well toned woman.

"No thanks, I have my own plans for tonight. Maybe some other time." And they both continued out the door.

The cold air of the mid-Fall weather would greet them with it's chilly embrace. turtle adjusted his glasses, and proceeded down the street. This was a better life. The people here were friendly, and all busy. Also, the diversity here was vast. This was the big city. The sounds of cars, and horns in traffic were all the background music Turtle needed. It was simply great. He loved it.

The two workers crossed the street, and into the subway. They fell into place with the few dozen fellow passengers, who were boarded the subway train. The train took off. The various smells, given off by the fellow passengers, gave the train cart "character". But Turtle was accustomed to this now, too. Koi grew up in these sorts of environments. Soft, casual conversations by the passengers were drowned out by the sounds of the train's movement.

At home, Turtle had kicked off his house shoes, and hopped in his bed. He had come home, showered, cooked and eaten his successful cooking, watched his television shows, brushed his teeth, and was now in bed, staring at the ceiling. He lived in a well crafted apartment, alone. The floors were made of marble, and he had full access to the central air conditioning system. As he ran his hands through his well conditioned hair, he took notice at all the achievements he had made. A simple life, alone, with a quiet job, and a nice apartment, was all he needed. He was satisfied.

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