When The Hurt Began

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As of today, it's been about four months, since the two met, in Public Speaking. Too reserved and afraid of what happened the previous semester, the boy refrained from making the first move. He could not bring himself to open up so easily, or so he thought.

That wall of fear and anxiety came crumbling down around him the minute she made the first move. It was as if she was some witch, or alchemist, transmuting his fear into words, words, and more words until he was an open book. And he couldn't care less, at this point.

But he wasn't the only one looking at her. This woman... Let's call her DJ. She likes that name, I think. This woman was a pure hearted one, who had also been hurt, maybe just as much as he had been. Many wolves would noticed her innocence and planned to use her for their own Persona gain. And gain is exactly what they would have gotten; the affection of such an inexperienced thing such as her is unparalleled.

Because the boy (we'll just use my name for this one.) resided in the wolf's den and knew of all of their tricks. This particular wolf would welcome many female wolves into his bed. And West could not sit back and watch as that wolf made off with the light of a woman who may just give him a reason to keep going.

Was broke the code and warned DJ of the wolf's actions, and what would be in store for her. But she wouldn't listen. Even to this day, Wed or even I know what happened. Maybe he grew tired of the lack of results and moved on. Either way, the wolf distanced himself from DJ.

The two were close friends. He could tell her anything. He was in love. But he wanted more. Much more. More than she was willing to give. But he could only obey her wishes. It was the least he could do. She'd given him so much already.

That is... until one night; Valentines Day to be exact. This would be one of many beautiful moments in their relationship, as well as one of many mistakes.

There were other oppressing matters between the two. DJ had finally begun to open up to Wes. She was entrusting herself with him. This meant that the first time he ever invited her to his room, the first time he ever saw her naked, the first time ever took her out on a date, or even the first time they had sex... All of these were things he had done to open her up; get her to be herself. It were as if these were powerful Herculean men, pulling open a door. The minute he would make a mistake, and betray that trust in anyway, that door would slam closed.

And as I'm leading up to, Wes unknowingly betrayed her trust. When he was struck with the backlash of that closing door, it tore him apart. He lay awake every night, some times crippled with the fear of losing her forever. He was truly the stupidest boy around. Such an idiot running away such a beautiful angel as she is blessing him by fulfilling his hearts desires? Maybe this story should end badly for him.

This would not be the last mistake he made. He mistakenly gave her his Thousand Suns Linkin Park album. And let's just say she hates Linkin Park. This was one mistake that a few favors of a friend, a trip to the back of a dollar store, or a check up or two could solve, but by the end of it, he snuck into her house and burned the CD. I mean who still uses CDs? And I'm sure you kinda get that this wasn't just a CD. But oh well.

Even today, she's still torn up about everything that's happened. Maybe to the point where their friendship is over. Maybe she's moving on. Maybe she's still trying to forgive him. With an hour drivers distance between them, seeing her is a lot harder than when they first met. Hopefully, he can make her birthday a lot better.

I know thus story doesn't have too many grade A material. Well, it's probably not even true. But this is something that had to be said. It'd something that I simply needed to get off my chest. There's a lot more to this story. And I do mean Way more. But... This little rambling story should be brought to an end.

I guess the moral here would be something like "never take people for granted" or "never put your love in the hands of another person". Regardless, maybe Wes' and DJ's story isn't finished yet.

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