No, But Yes.

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"Oppa! Quit it!" you yelled though your laughter.

"Never!!" said Taehyung back, tickling you more as he laughed just about as hard as you were.

You had been tickled for over half an hour before he was done tickling you. Acting as though you were mad at him, you crossed your arms and walked across the room.

"Oh, come on, Jagi! Don't be mad! Pleaseeeee? I promise I won't do it again, " he whined.

"You said that last week, " you reminded him. Keep in mind, you weren't actually mad.

You then felt two slender arms wrapped around your waist, and his head laying on yours. How could you continue to make this poor, innocent, sweet boy think that you were mad at him for any longer? Turning in his arms, you hugged him back, burying your head in his chest.

"I'm not mad anymore, " you said in a muffled voice. You could practically feel him smiling, the happiness was radiating off of him!

"Yay! I'm happy you aren't mad!" he exclaimed in a hyper voice.

After that, there was pure silence as you held each other. This is one of the few moments this year you'll get to spend together due to his career. All you wanted to do was hold him. It meant the world to just feel his warmth. He was the best thing that could ever happen to you, and tomorrow, he would be gone again. You were both dreading it, but decided to stay in the moment. You had agreed to not worry about the future. You still couldn't help it.

After five minutes of hugging in silence, you felt yourself being moved towards the couch. Taehyung sat down and sat you beside of him, cuddling you.

"What do you want to do this evening?" he asked.

Shrugging, you replied, "I don't know. We could watch a movie?"

Nodding, Tae grabbed the remote and started scrolling through Netflix. You both settled on The Host, a Korean horror movie. There were times he got scared, and you would feel his grip on your waist tighten. There were also times you got scared, and you'd hide your face in his chest.

The movie was finally over, and you had fallen asleep, whereas Tae stayed up to finish the movie so he could tell you how it ended. The night was over, and tomorrow, he'd be gone.

Tears stung his eyes as he looked down at your sleeping form.

"So beautiful..." he whispered, "Aish, I wish I had one more day..."

Leaning down, he kissed your forehead and pulled himself up, you in his arms, and carried you to bed.

You awoke in the morning to an alarm clock blaring. You groaned, and heard footsteps run in the room and slam down on the clock. Sitting up, you looked over at Tae, who had been brushing his teeth when the alarm sounded.

"Ah, sorry, Jagi! I woke up early and forgot about the alarm."

"It's okay, Tae. I wanted to see you off, anyways."

It seemed like as soon as you said that, something clicked in his mind, and he remembered he was leaving. Sadness flooded his face and he nodded, leaving the room to, you guessed, finish brushing his teeth.

You stood and made your side of the bed, happy that Taehyung had remembered to make it, even though he's in a hurry. Walking over to the closet, you grabbed simple clothes and put your shoes on. You didn't bother to put on makeup or anything. Maybe you could catch a few hours of sleep when you get back. Though, that's a slim chance, seeing as though you always worry until he texts you saying he made the flight.

You walked downstairs to the living room, noticing Tae's bags by the door.
Sighing, you sit on the couch and patiently wait for Taehyung.
He came running down the stairs and picked up his bags.

"You ready, (y/n)?" He asked.

Taking your keys out of your pocket, you swallowed and stood.

"No, but yes."

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