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It's one of the hardest things to receive and one of the hardest things to give.

That is, for some people.

For others, it can be the easiest.

You woke up, very confused. A pair of arms were wrapped around you. Slowly, you turned your head to see who it was. You let out a sigh.

Jae-Joon slept so peacefully beside you. Honestly, you were surprised you trusted him so easily. This wasn't like you. It took almost a year to trust Taehyung in the same bed as you.

You looked at the wall and froze at the thought of Taehyung. You still loved him. Yet, here you are. In another man's arms. Shaking your head, you also shook the thoughts of him away.

"Mm..." You heard in your ear.

You turn your head again to see a slightly conscious Jae-Joon. He looks over at you and greets you with a small, warm smile.

"Hey, (Y/N), " he said huskily.

You won't lie, it was a pretty hot voice he had. Nope. Nope. Not gonna catch feelings.

You give him a smile in return.

"Hey, " you say.

He inhales steadily and rolls over on his back, sitting up and stretching. You sat up as well and got out of bed, realizing you hadn't taken off your clothes from yesterday.

You laugh softly to yourself.

"I didn't change after I came home yesterday. I was so tired that I just went to sleep."

He chuckles.

"You still look as great as you did yesterday, " he replied with a smile.

You walked over to your mirror and looked at yourself. You had a horrible case of bed head and very wrinkled clothes.

"Thanks, " you reply with a semi-disgusted look on your face.

He gets up from your bed and makes his way to the door.

"I'll be on my way, " he said.

You just nodded, not bothering to look over at him. He opens the door and makes his way downstairs. He had left your bedroom door open, so you walked through it. As you stepped down each stair, you grew more and more terrified. Every step brought you back to last night.

You gasped at the sight of your downstairs area. Everything had been knocked over and ravaged. Of course, you didn't want to cry. You felt as though you've cried enough the past few months. So, you sucked it up and began to clean.

By the time you were close to done cleaning, it was almost dark. The sun had just began to set, and you had a few lamps on in the house.

"Okay, last area, " you said to yourself.

There was a medium sized cardboard box flipped over on the floor. Around it, there were shards of glass. Being mindful of the shards, you carefully turned the box right side up to investigate its contents. There were plenty of feelings bursting all at once inside you.

Anger, sadness, love, regret, betrayal, disbelief. Strange, those are the feelings you felt when...

In the box, there was a shattered picture frame. The picture was of you and Taehyung on your first Valentine's Day together. Tears stung your eyes as your mind began to wonder back to that day.

"Jagiya! Let's take a picture! Today's a special day for us!" Tae exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, snapping a picture of you two.

"Tae! You're so silly! It's only our first Valentine's Day. There will be plenty more, " you said with a smile.

"You're going to be my Valentine every year forever, Jagi!"

"Do you promise?" You questioned.

"I promise! You can trust me, " he replied, giving you a peck on the lips.

You smiled at him.

Tears fell on the shattered glass as you sat the frame back into the box. You wiped your eyes and picked up the next object. A small smile grew on your lips as you stared at it. It was a stuffed bear with a heart on its belly. You pressed the heart and the recording began to play.

"Ah, my beautiful future wife! It's your birthday, and I wanted to get you something cute like you! This is the closest thing I could find to match your cuteness. Anyway, I really love you and I know you know that!! I hope your birthday is bright and beautiful just like you are. Oh! And I hope to spend next year's birthday with you in person. I'm really sorry I was on tour this time, but you have many more birthdays in your lifetime for me to be with you. I'll be with you for all of them, trust me!"

He had mailed you this bear when he found out he couldn't be with you on your special day. It was a few years ago. It's a wonder you haven't lost it yet. You laid it on top of the picture frame and continued to the last item. A single, fake red rose. The story of this gift is unlike anything you had ever heard.

Standing in the heavy snow, you waited for Taehyung. You hoped he had a good reason for being four hours late to a meeting that HE organized. It was freezing outside, and you were damp. Sure, you would take shelter under something, but he gave you a very specific spot. You knew how childish Tae was, so you figured he would get upset and pouty if you were to be somewhere else.

You shivered standing there. Right beside the ice rink that you two loved so much during this time of the year. It was Christmas Eve. He had messaged you earlier on Kakao telling you where to be at what time. You had only assumed that he finally got a night off and decided to come visit you.

The problem wasn't that he left you out here for hours without showing up. The problem was that he didn't tell you he wasn't coming or couldn't make it or whatever. Shivering in the gorgeous sweater and boxy pants he loved so much wasn't your idea of how tonight would go.

Just as you had decided to give up, you heard a frantic patter of footprints making their way towards you. You turned to face the noise as you're greeted with a warm embrace.

"(Y/N), I am so sorry! I didn't mean to be late! Our plane got delayed and then a big horde of fans crowded us! I-I couldn't get everything planned because we got here too late! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed in a hurry.

"Tae, it's alright! I understand, " you replied.

"Jagi, I could only get this... I'm so sorry, " Tae said solemnly, looking as if he was about to cry. He held out a fake red rose. You took the rose and smiled brightly at him.

"I love it, don't worry, " You said.

"Trust me, I will be here early next time."

Out of anger, you threw the rose in the box. A petal fell off, but you didn't care at the time. You just put the lid back on the box and sat it aside. While you swept the glass, you began to think.

"He wanted so much trust from me, just to give me reasons not to trust again."

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