BBMAs Special

693 54 19

Around six months have passed and Jae-Joon has become your best friend. You two can talk about anything with ease and keep the conversation going for hours. Though, you've been noticing a change in tone for him lately.

Your best hope is that he doesn't want to be more than friends. That would suck, considering you love Jae, just not in that way. You love Tae in that way.

Speaking of Tae, he's been distracting you a little lately. Not directly, of course, but he's been taking your attention away from things. That's mostly due to his overwhelming success in America. BTS has been nominated for Top Social Artist at the Billboard Music Awards this year, and you weren't even surprised.

They were talented and their fans are intensely dedicated, so you knew they were going to win. You've been following their every move like some saesang fan, and you had no idea why. It's not like you're obsessed with Taehyung. But, lately, he's been on your mind more often than usual.

You wanted them to win. I mean, Tae would be so happy. That was all you wanted; for him to be happy. So, you voted. A few hundred times.

Tonight is the night. Tonight is the BBMAs and you're honestly excited. It's the feeling you get as a fan when you're starstruck and can't wait to see if your nominee wins. That's all you were now, right? A fan. Fans support the stars. They love them. It's allowed in this situation, too.

The pre-show on the magenta carpet was about to begin, and you were ready. You'd been waiting by your computer all morning.

"Thirty minutes left, " you said to yourself. You were honestly kind of nervous. Nervous for them, even though you were confident they would win. You never know, however. Someone else could win, and that makes you nervous.

You sighed and stood up, walking into the kitchen. Wondering what you should eat, you went through all of your cabinets and ultimately decided to make some macaroni and cheese. Have to have something to eat during the BBMAs, right?

After it was made, you walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. Your eyes moved to your laptop screen that was opened to the twitter livestream for the magenta carpet. It had started.

After sitting there with no activity on the screen for awhile, you heard the distant screaming and chanting of "BTS."

'That most likely means they have arrived,' you thought to yourself.

Just as the thought crossed your mind, the actual pre-show began. Two hosts were talking about how stars were arriving. You got chills as it panned to BTS stepping out of their limousine. They all looked so good.

These used to be your best friends. It hurts to see them; but you're watching and voting to support these old friends who still mean so much to you.

On the bright side, they seemed really happy. Their smiles were huge and their eyes were bright. You wonder if they even think about you anymore.

"BTS has just arrived, " somebody from the screen said.

Your eyes lingered on Tae. He looked incredibly handsome, it was hard not to stare.

On went the pre-show, people you either didn't know or didn't care about at the time were constantly on the screen. Though, you would get all excited whenever BTS would come up.

They did a few short on-carpet interviews that were honestly adorable. You couldn't help but smile widely at how they acted. They were funny, charming and happy; that was anyone's dream.

The actual awards show was about to start, and you had a livestream up and running. This was going to be the best part of your day, you knew it.

The show opened with Nicki Minaj. It was an awesome set up. About halfway through the performance, there was a knock at your door.

With a loud groan, you said loudly, "Who is it?"

"Bond. James Bond, " replied the familiar voice.

You smiled and rolled your eyes, getting up and opening the door. Jae smiled at you and opened his arms for a hug.

You turned around and walked back into the living room, giggling.

"Come in if you're going to, I'm busy, " you said.

He chuckled and walked in, closing the door behind him. He made his way over to the couch and sat down beside you.

"What're you doing that's so important this early?" He asked.

"I'm watching the Billboard Music Awards, " you replied, your eyes remaining on the screen.

"Oh, you're a BTS fan?" He questioned.

You just nodded, afraid of saying anything about knowing them.

"Yeah, they're pretty cool. I'd say the one I like the most is Kim Taehyung, " he stated.

'Me, too. I like him a lot, ' you thought.

The two of you sat in silence and watched the awards show. Finally, it was time. The Top Social Artist award was up.

You knew they were going to win, but you were still nervous. Then, finally, it was time.

"And the Billboard music award goes to..."

You stared at the screen, unable to blink.


The crowd screamed as the cameras panned to them. They did their group hug and began walking to the stage, Taehyung in front.

Your smile stretched from ear to ear and tears welled in your eyes. They took the award and Namjoon began to speak.

"ARMY - our fandom - thank you very much. We still cannot believe that we're standing here on the stage at the Billboard Music Awards. Oh my gosh!" He paused. Tears were now streaming down your face.

"It's so great to see all the artists we admire and feel honored to be in this category with such great artists, you know like, right in front of us. It feels really honored and most importantly, this award belongs to every people in the world that shine the love and light on us by the millions and make BTS proud. Please, ARMY, remember what we say; love myself, love yourself. We love you guys and are grateful to you so much. We will become a cooler BTS!"

You were now crying happily as you watched them get off of the stage with bright smiles. This moment made you so proud. Jae took notice of your tears and put his arm around you.

"Wow, you're a pretty big fan, aren't you?" He said playfully.

You just smiled and nodded, wiping away your tears. You looked over at Jae to see him staring at you. He smiles and shakes his head.

"What?" you question.

"Nothing, " was his reply.

You kept pushing him to tell you what he was thinking.

"Well, it's just... My best friend is so pretty and, " he paused and sighed, "(Y/N)... will you be my girlfriend?"

Your mouth dropped and he immediately stood up, apologizing profusely. You just stared at him, not really knowing what to say. Of course, you saw this coming, but you never thought about a reply.

"I'm really sorry, I understand if you don't want to, " he repeated.

"Jae, stop. It's okay, " you said.

He sighed and sat back down beside you. You were thinking. You two were close, maybe it would work out. You loved Taehyung, but maybe you could grow to love Jae.

"I shouldn't have said anything, " he said sadly.

"Yes, " was your reply.


"Yes, Jae, I'll be your girlfriend."

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