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tap tap tap

The long fingers of a woman tapped on her desk, she was beautiful and her long white dress complimented her long and flowy silver hair with a rose thorn crown laid elegantly on her head. This beautiul woman is Principal Rosine of Segi Witch Academy, which fitted her perfectly due to how much magic aura surrounds her.

A small smile laid on her face as she sit up straight and turned her chair to face the window, quietly admiring the beautiful scenery of the forest surrounding her school and the students whom were roaming outside with their friends. Turning her chair back to the front, she faced a shy young child, possibly aged eleven or twelve. Behind him stood his gaurdians, an intimidating young man and a tall proud woman whom is the child's mother. The silver haired beauty stood up elegantly as her slim fingers traced the edge of her desk.

"You have nothing to worry Ms. Austris...we promise your child will be well educated. The teachers here in the Academy are trustworthy and I assure you they will do their jobs proffesionally..,"

"That is good to hear, it lifts up some of my worries for my child..but what of his two dorm partners? I don't want to leave my child, with irresponsible caretakers," the mother, Dmitri Austris spoke calmly but worry lightly laced in her voice.

"Worry not, just as you have requested, I have assigned two students fitted to your request...Both are older to your son, Ms. Mira is a kind and patient young lady, perfectly fitted to look after young Claude...she excells in healing magic and when it calls for it...she will certainly help your son...," the Principal Rosine responded calmly while Ms Dmitri hummed in content.

"And the other?,"

"ah yes..Mr. Rood is a very smart young man, he excells in many different types of magic and is great in dark magic..which will certainly help Mr. Claude with his still uncontrollable dark magic. His only faults is his personality...and I hope that giving him the chance to be given the responsibility of taking care of someone younger and surrounded with kind souls will hopefully simmer him down...Is that all right with you, Ms. Austris?," pursing her lips, Dmitri slowly closed her eyes as her child looked up at her with worried eyes while their other companion just watched quietly and calmly.

"Are you sure that this...Rood is trustworthy enough to look after my son..?," Dmitri asks, her eyes slowly opening. The silver haired beauty nodded her head as she looked at Claude.

"Yes, do trust my decisions, I wouldn't leave a student of Esmeralda's to someone untrustworthy..," Dmitri still looked unsure until their silent companion spoke for the first time they have arrived in the office.

"What is the harm Aunt Dmitri?, did we not decide to enroll my dear cousin in here so he could be well educated?," the young man calmly says as he peers down at the soon to be student. Their eyes locked and his frown slowly turns into a small smile, making the young child feel slightly at ease. Dmitri however frowns, still worried for her son's well being, the young man could only hold back a sigh as he spoke once again.

"Worry not Aunt we have discussed earlier, Claude will make sure to tell us if anything wrong were to happen by communicating through the crsytal ball...," closing her eyes, Dmitri sighed in defeat and then looked down at her son's small and delicate figure. Grasping both of his shoulders gently, Dmitri crouches down and looked at her son straight to the eyes.

" make your mother proud...become a great wizard...," kissing his forehead lightly, her son looked up with large teary blue eyes making Dmitri's chest constrict.

"Do I have to stay...? can't big brother Daemon teach m-me...? or maybe I c-could stay with Ms. Esmeralda...," he whimpers out.

"I-I don't wanna stay here m-mum...I don't know a-anyone...what if everyone will hate me...?," he sobbed out, his tears finally flowing as he clutched on his dear mother tightly.

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