First Day, New Friends?

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It was after school when Claude met her gain. He was inside the library, doing his homework for his dark magic class when he saw a girl whom looked familiar. Her hair was a messy black, stopping just bellow her shoulder while a flower crown rested on her head. Her clothing was a very comfy looking sweater, with the sleeves a grey blue in colour while the vest over it was light blue. She also wore a grey blue skirt with white frills sewed on the hem of the fabric while on her legs were knee high socks, though Claude was confused when he saw that she wore no shoes.

After a few seconds of inspecting, he remembered her as the girl whom gave him the Band-Aids from yesterday. When their eyes met, Claude flushed in embarrassment as he realized he was staring for too long. He then went back to his work and continued to struggle with his homework. After a few minutes of correcting his mistakes, a shadow loomed over him, making the young boy look behind him curiously.

He gulped once he realized it was the girl from earlier. Her expression was hard to read but Claude knew that he would be scolded for staring so rudely. He opened his mouth to apologize but stopped once the girl grinned sheepishly.

"Hey! aren't you the kid I bumped into yesterday? sorry about that, I was in in such a hurry that I didn't see you...," she said with puffed cheeks, Claude thought that it must've been out of embarrassment. After a while, Claude shook his head and fidgeted.

"N-No, it's alright, people makes mistakes once in a while. The one from yesterday was only an accident, so no need to apologize," he stutters out as he looked down on his feet. The girl frowns as she sat next to him and crosses her hand.

"Are you sure? I could make it up to you y'know! how about I help you with your homework??," she asked him with a friendly smile while Claude contemplated, he hesitantly nodded his head in defeat after he saw her pleading expression. She smiled brightly and laughed softly.

"Great! let's see your work...ohhh Dark magic eh? I'm great with that!," she says with a light laugh as she went over the paper while Claude's eyes lit up in giddily.

"By the way, my name's Rena and you?," she asks with a slight tilt of her head, letting her messy black locks fall over her shoulder while kindness radiated from her. This made Claude relax for a bit and smiled softly, he thought that her friendliness reminded him a bit of Mira.

"It's Claude,"


After 30 minutes have passed, Claude and Rena parted ways; with Rena going straight to the dorm while Claude went to Mr. Xavier's room to ask some of his unanswered questions about the academy. He got a bit lost on his way to the Councillor building but got a bit of help from a girl...or were they a boy? he wasn't sure due to the fact how androgynous the senior student looked. After a bit of talking with them, Claude noted that this student seemed to know Mr. Xavier personally. Though, he didn't voice out his thoughts as he walked to the direction that his senior has directed him to.

A few minutes had passed and Claude was now standing right in front of a familiar door. He gave a light knock with his small child like hands then waited for a response.

"Come in," a familiar voice answered and Claude obediently opened the door, revealing the familiar comfy room and the kind Mr. Xavier. The blue haired man gave Claude a friendly smile as he sat up straight and gestured for the child to take a sit.

"Good afternoon Claude, what can I help you with?," He asked kindly whilst Claude took a seat then quietly fidgeted.

"W-well...I have been told by one of the teachers that I should join a club...something about making friends or something...," he mumbled out the latter as he looked up at the Elementary councillor.

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