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When my sisters and mom got to the hotel, they all wanted to get showered, go out to eat, and go to bed early. I was fine with that plan. I sat in a wingback chair in the corner of the hotel room and opened my new book. I read until my sister informed me I was being antisocial and needed to get my nose out of my book.

With a sigh, I got up and grabbed my big bag, I call a purse, and stuffed the book inside. What can I say? I want to finish reading the book and I have one of those "mom purses" where you can put just about anything in it, and you already have who knows what inside of it, and adding more will not change the size of the bag. Kind of like Mary Poppins' bag. Except more stylish.

We chose a little Bistro down the street on the corner. My sister had already mapped out all the sights we are here to see. She also informed us that she wanted a signature tomorrow morning at the book signing. I just smiled.

After we ate dinner, we decided to splurge and get a dessert to split. Knowing this was the lull in the conversation I was looking for, I reached in my bag and pulled out my book. I kept in on my lap, not wanting to be rude by covering my face, but this part of the story was getting intense! No way I am setting this book down until I find out if Miranda is going to get what is coming to her.

"Earth to Tiffany," mom called me.

"Ahhh! This book is soooo good!" I then giggled like a crazy woman.

"Tone it down a notch," Lindsay, my sister, told me. "We are ready to go back to the hotel and go to bed. We have a lot planned for tomorrow." I looked at my watch and saw it was already 7:45pm. I hopped up from my seat and walked at a brisk pace back to the hotel. Once we were there, I told them I would be up in a bit, I just wanted to sit down in the lobby and finish reading my book. "Good night." They all told me as they headed up the stairs to our rooms.

I found a side of the hotel that had couches and chairs set up like conversational circles. 'This will do.' I thought as I got comfortable on one of the chairs. Moments later, each of the girls from the train made their way into the lobby. I looked around for the hooded girl but couldn't see her anywhere. She must have chosen not to join us.

"So, welcome to 'The International Book Club'," Jennifer greeted us all and she used air quotes, I had to giggle, "What were your initial thoughts on the book?" She asked us.

"Sadly, I'm not done. But it is very captivating and I do NOT like Miranda one bit." Not very often to I have murderous feelings toward a fictional character, but this one, I make an exception for.

"Bob's your Uncle! Miranda is a complete nutter!" Fallon used her British accent as we all looked at her wide eyed.

"WHAT? I don't understand her." I looked at the others, "Was that really in English?" I was thoroughly confused. I did not have an Uncle Bob.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist! Abso Bloody Lutely, I'm speaking English." Fallon went on, "the book was Brilliant, Spot on, the bee's knees! Let's hope it's not a one off."

My jaw was on the floor as I stared at this crazy, wonderful, young girl who is ready to tackle the world. Then I quietly told Katy, who was sitting so dainty and proper, "It's like being in the Finding Nemo movie, where Squirt is giving Marlin directions and Marlin says, "Look, you're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying." Katy let out a peal of bell like laughter that drew everyone's attention.

That's when we overheard a lady trying to check in at the hotel, "What d'ya mean my room isn't ready?" She had a distinctly southern American accent. "Sir, what time is it?" She asked the guy behind the counter.

"8:10pm." He responded.

"And at what time do ya'll allow check-in?"


"Am I to assume, that in the last 4 hours, you were so understaffed that you couldn't get a room for silly ol' me ready?"

Jennifer stood up, motioning to the rest of us to stay seated, then she walked with determination toward the lady at the counter. "Another Souther Bell, staying in the same hotel as me? Come, join our book group, while you wait for this young little whipper-snapper to pull his thumb out of his butt and get his job done." Both ladies were cackling as they came back to the discussion at hand. The new comer introduced herself as Anne.

" Now we have an Anne and an Annie. Cool!" As I turned back to face forward, I saw the hooded lady standing at the bottom of the stairs just watching us. I motioned for her to come join us. She looked around warily but came over, nonetheless. "I invited, um, what was your name again?"

"You can call me Cherry." She answered softly.

"Yes, I invited Cherry, from the train, to join us."

"The more the merrier!" Lisa chimed.

"Have you read 'There's Something About Him'?" Annie asked.

"I might have skimmed over it a bit." Cherry responded.

"Isn't Heath just so dreamy?" I fanned myself.

Katy teased me, "He's a fictional character, Tiffany!"

"Yeah, but married ladies can only crush on fictional characters." I defended myself.

"Book boyfriends!" Anne exclaimed.

"So have any of you ever tried to write a story yourself?" Annie asked with a look of innocence, but hidden in her eyes was mischief. "Because I have heard of this site called Wattpad, where anyone can be an author. And all the books to read are free."

"Free books?" Jennifer perked up, "I think I just died and went to heaven."

"I've written a couple of short stories but I don't know that I want the world to read them." Katy shyly answered Annie.

"Why don't we exchange email addresses and you can send me a copy and I'll tell you if it's rubbish or not. I have a pretty good eye for what is excellent and what isn't." Katy looked a bit nervous and maybe like she was trying to find a way to say no when Annie spoke up again, "Trust me."

Katy nodded her head and everyone else started asking for a copy of her short stories, too. We all wanted to see just how good of an author Miss Katy was.

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