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Cherry just smiled up at me with a mischievous look in her eye. "Who should I make this out to?" She asked, positioning her sharpie marker over the inside cover of my book.

"Wait a second! Yesterday you had dark hair, like almost black kind of dark hair! And what was that about 'I might have skimmed over it a bit'?"

Cherry covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled. "Sorry. Anonymity."

"Oh. Well yeah. I guess so." Now I just sounded dumb.

Lisa leaned in to quietly speak to me from behind, "At least you got to meet her, like really got to meet her. And... She gave us her email address. How brilliant is that?"

I smiled and laughed, "I'm such a dork. Sorry. This book is mine, so make it out to Tiffany. The other is my sister's. Can you make that one out to Lindsay, please?"

Cherry nodded her head and wrote in the books I gave her. I took them when she was done and stepped aside to wait for the other ladies. When all the ladies from the international book club had their books signed, we gathered in the corner of the lobby to chat.

"Can you believe we actually hung out with the infamous Anna Isali?" Jennifer asked with excitement. Pork Chop kept hopping and jumping at her side. It was as if he could feel her excitement and wanted to share in the experience.

"So the real question is, do you think her real name is Anna or is it Cherry or something completely different?" Anne questioned with a conspiratorial eyebrow lift.

"I don't know, but I might have to email her and ask." I giggled as I said that. Look at me, fangirling over actually meeting the author and getting to hang out with her for an evening. Sure she might have lied to us about her name and all, but... I KNOW A CELEBRITY!!!


A year later...

"Babe, I have to go." I told my husband in a slightly whiney voice. "Both Fallon AND Katy are having back to back book signings. I cannot let my friends down by not being there for their big day!"

"I just don't get how it is you make 'friends' with random strangers from all over the world when you went on a girls trip with your mom and sisters. But, I get it. 'It's Book Club'." He used air quotes. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion I have for my fabulous husband. He chuckled in return. "Maybe I should let you do 'Book Club' more often!"


A/N: this was just a fun little short story that all evolved from a simple question. "If we had all been stuck on a train together, would we have formed a friendship?" And this was what my brain conjured up. All you birds and dogs out there that know the people I talk about, Thanks for reading and laughing with me. It was a ton of fun!

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