Daisies in your hair

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I wake up to the smell of pancakes and a slight smell of vodka and milk.
My dad is home.
He's not my dad. He's some smelly 40 year old drunkard.

Correction: Step Dad

Please God no
I moan out of my bed
and slip on a Attack on Titan sweater and my favorite black jeans.
I'd rather do anything but see Doug.
He only has my mom for sex and shelter.
He doesn't work or do anything productive or you can call hooking up with blondes in a taxi productive.

6: 45 AM

I'm Late for school! The bus comes at 6:55 AM!

I grab my school bag and phone with headphones. I stick my head phones in and click "car radio" by twenty one pilots.
As I run out of the door, I hear my dad yelling at my mom.
"Where's my fucking beer!??? Why didn't you get me my fucking drink!? Your such a-"
I couldn't hear more.
He's a complete idiot.
Or even worse.
I wait for the bus to come to the bus stop while I'm rapping "my skin will scream reminding me...."
Most of Their songs get me emotionally and they help me through out my life.
It's like they write the song just for me.
As the song is ending, the hell bus comes.
Where the douche bags are.
Where they started.

I jump on the bus pacing to the first seat. I doze out of this world to Phil's lips.
His lips were very soft like silk.

Was I being creepy yesterday
I really do like him
He likes me
Does he even like me
Dan don't be negative

Yes you should. You kissed a 17 year old boy that you don't about at all and you were on his lap.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.
It turned into poking.

I ignore his obnoxious crooked teeth and stare out to the trees.
He doesn't budge.

"So I heard you and Phil were onto something. Is this like a gay thing? Were you guys defend each other-"
I cut him short

"It's called friendship. If you don't know about the definition of friendship, well then all your friends are fake and dead inside."

He got quiet until a few minutes

"It didn't look like friendship. You see, it's easy to find out when you want to have sex and when you don't. It's like-"

I stop him before he destroys my thoughts.
Time to burst his bubble
"And you do know that asking for nudes and putting "YOLO #hmu" on every Facebook picture isn't the way for sex? Stop harassing Phil and me. Stop now or you'll see."

He coos as if he were scared sarcastically obviously
"Oh no! You're going to send a shit storm to me!"

If I can, I could kick him in the balls

Wait, he doesn't have any

It's like I think of really good insults but he's indestructible.

The bus stopped at the school
and I came out of the bus first and stomp to my first class.

Nate and his friends are pure hell.
Like would you want me to bully you? No! I don't think so.
I don't see Phil as I'm opening my locker.
He's just late I guess. He seems very appointed to his classes.
I don't think he ever had a B in is report.
I walk to my first class, geometry, and see the people I won't ever honestly speak to.
I bet these peasants think I'm a weird ass gothic.
My seat is cold today and that's because I'm in the corner in the back, where the AC is. I wear a fucking sweater All day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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