Chapter 2- These are not the Droids you're looking for

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The breakfast rush had gone.  Now people were just milling in an out at a slow pace.  A few customers lingered at the tables that were scattered through out the room.  Oliver was working on the mess he'd created, Fink was taking a break, and was sitting on the counter next to the sink, where Liam was working on thoroughly cleaning his two mixers.

"Wow, look at that girl in the corner" Fink said, hitting Liam's arm with the back of his hand to get his attention.  Liam glanced up, seeing the gray eyed girl sitting next to the window in the farthest corner from them, sketching slowly on a drawing pad, she had propped up on the edge of the table.  She had headphones in her ears, the cookie she had ordered with her hot chocolate was only half eaten, laying on a napkin beside her drink, and she seemed completely focused on whatever was going on that paper.  She bit into her bottom lip as she hesitated with her pencil, and Liam was pretty sure that was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

"She's HOT, is she a regular?" he realized Fink was talking to him, and gave a shrug, "I dont' think so"

"This is the second time I've seen her." Oliver spoke up from his spot on the floor.  The 2 older boys looked at him, having forgotten he was there.  "She came in last Friday, and told me her name was Lois Lane.  Today she was Lord Voldemort"

"And you haven't asked her out yet? What's wrong with you?" Fink asked, hitting Liam playfully.  Liam just laughed and shook his head.  

"Come on Li, how old are we now? 28? 32?" 


"There is an entire university full of HOT, single, legal-aged females, just down the street, and you have YET to do something stupid." 

He smiled and shook his head at his best friend.  Fink knows full well that Liam doesn't fool around.  And as much as he pressures him to get drunk, and party and hook up, he doesn't see that as something he'd be into.  

There is something about that girl in the corner though.  The girl with the gray eyes.  Something.

She came in everyday after that, a different name every time: Wonder Woman, Katniss, Spiderman...

But it wasn't until the fourth day that he spoke to her.  The crowd wasn't as heavy, but they were still busy.  No accidents as of yet.  He picked up the hot chocolate he'd just made, and glanced at the name.  A smile spreading across his face,  he glanced up, his eyes landing directly on her.  

"Darth Vader?" He questioned, leaning against the counter.  His blue eyes sparkling.  She smiled and stepped forward. 

"You have many identities Skywalker." he said.  Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up at him, but she was smiling.

"I'm on the run" causing Liam's smile to widen.  "From who?" he played along. She tilted her head to the side, her eyes locking with his.

"I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you" 

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