Chapter 3-It's like a Lion and a Tiger mixed, bred for it's magical ability

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She’d been coming in, everyday for weeks. 

The girl with the gray eyes.

She comes in around 9:30, and leaves before 12. She sits in the corner, with a sketchbook, for hours with her hot chocolate and her half eaten cookie.  She scribbles away furiously, and Liam never sees her look up.  Which isn’t a bad thing…cause if she did, she might catch him staring. 

            ‘You’re being creepy Liam.. Look away, just LOOK AWAY!’ he scolded himself mentally, tearing his eyes off the beautiful girl, and turning to search for something, anything, to do.

            The place had been close to dead for almost an hour.  He’d cleaned all his supplies, rearranged the cupcakes on the stand, restocked the baked goods display case, and attempted to teach Oliver how to make himself a Frappachino, which had gone better than anticipated, but was not entirely successful.  He’d done everything already, which is what led to the staring and daydreaming that had taken place.  Finally he decided to pick up his guitar, and finish the tuning that he’d begun before work this morning,  before Fink had walked in, wearing a black tee shirt, red jeans, blue suspenders and 2 different colored converses, singing a Nicki Minaj song at the top of his lungs. 

            He pulled himself up on the counter beside the sink, and strummed the strings, just slightly, when he heard the door to the kitchen swing open, violently.  “Leeeeeeum!” he heard Fink whine loudly, and he glanced up.

“I feel like I’ve been locked up ALL DAY!” he whined, pulling himself up on the counter next to Liam.  Liam smiled a little, looking down at the guitar in his hands, “It’s been two hours.”

Finkle groaned, “we are definitely getting drinks tonight.”

“Gah, why don’t we own a bar?”

“Cuz you can’t be trusted to not drink the merch.  And you’re a helpless tool when you’re drunk”

“I’ve never been anything but delightful” Fink said, causing Liam to look up from the guitar.

“Shut up.” Fink held up his hand before Liam could reply.

They sat there in a comfortable silence as Liam finished twisting the little knobs into position, and began moving his fingers along the strings, a song he’d been working on filling the small shop.


            Liam sat on a stool, leaning against the bar, sipping on his third beer.  Fink was out on the dance floor with an incredibly attractive blonde, sloppily making out with her as their hips grinded together.  Liam wasn’t sure what his purpose was, why Fink always insisted he come with him, but here he was. Alone. At the bar.

            He doesn’t understand why Fink got all the confidence, and he got.. what did he get? Well, self-control, the ability to dress himself properly, and a more than fair amount of common sense is what he got.  But sometimes he wishes he was just a little more like his friend.  Fink can meet a different girl every night without a second thought, while Liam feels uncomfortable asking the cashier at McDonalds for extra ketchup.  How is he ever going to get a date with the girl with the gray eyes.  She’d been “Napoleon Dynamite” at the shop this morning.  After almost 2 months of ordering hot chocolate, she’d run out of super heroes and heroines.

            “Leeeeeum!” there’s that annoying whine he loves so much.  “Come dance with me!” Liam had had a few, but he wasn’t drunk enough to dance with Fink.

            “where’d the blonde go?”

            “what blonde?”

            “The one you were dancing with”

            “I want to dance with you.  Maybe if she sees you get up and move, she’ll come over” Fink slurred.


            “that girl”

            “what are you talking about?”

            “That girl has been checking you out all night.  You’re so oblivious Leeeum”

            “and you’re wasted.”

            “I’m not! She’s over there! With the red hair, come on! Let’s dance!”

            “I’m not dancing with you.  Even if the invisible red-head is checking me out”

            “she’s not invisible! She’s hot! Come ON.  You are a quadruple threat Liam! And she’d be lucky to have you” Fink swung his arm around Liam’s shoulders.


            “You can sing, you can dance, you make super coffee and you’re sexy as hell” and with that, Fink placed a big, sloppy, wet kiss on Liam’s cheek.


            Liam wasn’t sure how he’d done it, but he’d gotten back to his apartment.  He’d let Fink, who was half asleep, and totally plastered, fall onto the couch, and he moved a blanket close by before finding his way to his room and let sleep take over.

            They were sweaty, and breathing heavy.  Her legs were wrapped around his hips, her soft, pink lips were swollen from his kisses, and those eyes.  Those beautiful, sparkling, playful gray eyes were staring up at him.  His hips were moving against hers, they were both close, so close and she was talking.  Begging.  “Liam, say my name.  Oh god! I want to hear you say my name!” between breathless moans and sighs.  He opened his mouth to speak, to say her name, he’d give her anything she wanted. 

He’d say it over and over. 

He’d shout it from mountain tops. 

But he couldn’t.

            He woke up with a jolt, sitting straight up.  He ran his hand through his sweat drenched hair. This was getting out of hand.

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