Chapter 5- Insert Clever Title that No One Will Read Anyway

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Oliver has another day off, and Spencer felt bad about getting drunk the other day, so he is hanging out with Liam, pretending to help him.

Liam is making a hot chocolate that gray eyes ordered, when a gorgeous blonde comes in the shop.   Spencer immediately jumps off the counter, going to the register, taking Liam by surprise, but when he spots the blonde he rolls his eyes, and smiles a little, going back to what he’s doing.

“Hey, can I take your order?” Spencer asks in a sultry voice, giving her a sexy smile.

“And maybe your phone number” Liam imitated the sultry voice, low enough for only Spencer and gray eyes to hear, as he handed her the hot chocolate, teasing his friend.  The blonde looks up at the menu, and Spencer takes that opportunity to reach over and pull Liam’s hair in retaliation.

“I’d like a mocha latte please, oh, and his phone number” the blonde said, shooting a wink at Liam, who’s eyes widened a little.  Gray eyes fumbled with her straw a little before managing to catch it.

“what.” Liam asked. 

“WHAT?” Spencer asked, louder.

“You’re cute, what’s your name?”

“His name is Brian” Spencer said before Liam could say anything.  Liam cast a glance over at his best friend, but then nodded, “yeah, Brian”

He reached over taking a cup to make her mocha latte. 

“Oh, Hey Alex” The blonde says, smiling at her friend, causing Liam’s eyes to snap back up to the girl with the gray eyes. The only other person in the shop.


“Hey Bri” she said, a slight blush to her cheeks, as she avoided Liam’s eyes. 

“I haven’t seen you in like two months, have you finished that project yet?”

“Almost, I’ve gotten all my ideas sketched out, and transferred, just have to finish them.”

            “When is the Senior Show?”

            “2 weeks, it’s on a Friday night”

            “Perfect.  That Saturday night is the end-of-year party my sorority is throwing.  I really want you to come, and you too” Bri’s eyes locked on Liam, causing him to glance up from the drink he was making for her, again.

She batted her long dark, fake lashes at him, and Liam knew he needed to say something, but he couldn’t get it out. 

That’s when Spencer stepped in.  “Where is your Senior Show Al? I’d like to see what you’ve been working on”

“Oh, I uh” she was obviously caught as off guard as Liam was, “It’s in the gallery on 6th. It starts at 7.” She answered, but Liam knew that she was well aware that Spencer didn’t care.  He made it his next mission to get Spencer in that gallery on Friday night.

Brianna’s eyes hadn’t left Liam, “The parties going to be huge, we’ve always been known for throwing the biggest and best” she shot him a blinding smile.

“I’m not really-“

“We LOVE to party, don’t we Brad?” Spencer cut him off

“Brian” Liam whispered to him, but Brianna didn’t seem fazed.  

"Great! We always love new comers, especially cute ones." She shot him another wink. Subtlety wasn't her strong point.

Liam handed her the drink, and she turned to Alex, "Walk with me? We have some catching up to do"

Alex gave her a small nod, then she caught Liam's eye, "See you at the party, Brian" she told him, biting her bottom lip in an attempt to hide a smirk that Liam wanted to kiss off. Biting back his own smile, and relishing in the pink tint on her cheeks, he locked his eyes with hers,

"See you there, Alex

AN: OMG I'm sorry that sucked! Can I get like maybe 5 votes? Might encourage me to try harder :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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