A/N (whatever that stands for)

30 2 7

Omg hi guys.. Sorry I haven't updated on wattpad.. I've gotten lazy and busier, though I wish I had time to update your requests. Oh, well, I had a nomination from PeachThePomsky123  to say 5 embarrassing things about me, and nominate 10 more people. X3
Let's begin.
1) Sometimes I call people I don't even know "dad" or one of my friends or teachers' names. It's really weird how they respond to it, but sometimes I do it for fun XD
2) I can't forget the time when my favorite color was pink... :/
So weird..
3) I used to watch little kids shows when I was 9.. Idk why, I was somehow able to watch them without screaming "OMG ITS RIGHT THERE"
4) I try and act like a 😎 cool person, but every time I try..
I sound 10x more nerdier than I am now 😁😆
5) Every time I see a electronic left alone.. Well, let's just say I become Gollum. 😅
Crawl on my couch, sit down saying "Precioussss" XD lol that was jk
But I should do that sometime 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!! Oh, I almost forgot, 10 people to nominate!! Hmm..
- SirenatheSnake
- KristinaKennedy
- Belle_Laufeyson
- jcperezLOL
- Ogail59
- princessdarkus2345
- XxMari_VinnyxX
- VitaAugugliaro
- J_the_night_guard10
- xXTheShyNightGuardXx
Good luck to you guys!! Thanks for reading, and sorry I haven't updated! Baiiii

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