Chapter 1:The Mysterious Child

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Hey everyone and welcome to my brand new story "spiral"enjoy!


Goten's P.O.V

I was upstairs silently training while everyone else was downstairs talking because my mom chichi invited her family over.

After they left a while ago I heard a knock on the door."I'll get it!"I ran out my room and jumped downstairs and opening the door to see a baby in a basket sleeping it had short black hair and it's hair was a little spiky

"Goten, who is at the door?"my mother Chichi asked while walking out the kitchen "Mommy its a baby!" She walked over to me and looked in the basket I than looked under the blanket "And its a boy!"

Chichi's P.O.V

I shook my head and laughed a little and thought 'like father like son' than grabbed the basket from Goten.

"We should tell Gohan!" Goten yelled "Tell me what?" Gohan said walking downstairs with his glasses on "Its a new baby!"Goten yelled "I finally get to be a big brother now!" Me and gohan laughed and he patted goten's head "Ya sure do goten."

Than Gohan looked closer "Oh he also has a tail too." "A tail too!? WOW!" Goten said with enthusiasm. "Shh goten you don't-" I was cut off once the baby woke up and started babbling something. 'Gooo gooo' (Lol I had too)

Than my husband Goku barged in."Hey everyone!"He said with a huge smile on his face."dad!"Gohan and Goten said and gave him the baby I than realized what gohan said "wait you said it had a tail?" "Yeah weren't you listening?" gohan said "Oh no not another one,but I was able to deal with you three so I can last"

Goku than looked at card on the basket which said 'please watch over him please take care of my son Kogi Zen'


Hope y'all enjoyed the very first chapter if so press that ⭐button

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