Ch. I

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Angelica was always a looker with her long blond hair and soft blue eyes. Boys would stare at her and the other girls would pound her for her secrets. But really it was quite obvious she was and would always be the one the only Angelica Lynnette Grace Smith, Princesses of England. Thought most would call her Ang, that didn't really bother her for she never asked to the princess of England she would rather be still in America you see Ang is an American citizen well as citizen as you can get her mother fell in love with an American air force general commandment whatever you called it but she was born there in America she wasn't really all English nobility and some of her family thought that that she shouldn't be royal at all. But it want long after she was born that her father had to leave on a special mission to stop some terrorist and it wasn't even after the big 9/11 attack, but it also wasn't long till they had to go back to England.

Ang had several of friends but they were all bratty and spoiled, yes you might think wouldn't a princess be spoiled but being raised by her best friend's mother the lady maid, that doesn't mean that she doesn't have a temper. Once when she was 3 a girl took one of her toys and Angelica got so mad that when the girl was play outside on her families estate there was a big thunderstorm and all of toys where turned into ash. Another time when she was 7 she moved to a new school and a few of the boys called her Miss. preppy and one of them was killed in a tornado storm and the others lost everything.

But in her 3rd grade class there was a boy with short military cut blond hair, he looked alone and sad so Ang and Kayla which only came because Angelica begged for a friend to go with her.

"Hey what's your name?" asked Ang putting her most charming smile her mom thought it would get the parliament to like her for when she would be Queen.

"Austin, your highness" he said returning the smile giving a small bow.

"What how did you know, who she is? She isn't that publicized Are you?" questioned Kayla.

"Well no not really there aren't many pictures of me, how do you know me," wondered Angelica she wasn't to be fully published and fallowed till she was 10 that would be during her 5th grade year.

"No need to jump to conclusions my father is lord Mc Key I was at his office when you and your mom came in to talk about some treaty of York, I knew nothing about it but I stayed and listened we were only 5 but it sounded as if you where already old enough for parliament. And well you look like her because of Course you are her."

"Understood, you should like you some about politics too, but well you know my name right," and he gave a little nod, "but I prefer Ang for short and this is Kayla I call her Kay, and she motioned to Kay who was standing right beside her the whole time. You can sit with us at lunch maybe there could be some stuff we could talk about.

Kayla was all was there for her when her hamster cuddles was eaten by her obnoxious cousin that was 6 months younger that her let lose his anaconda which ate cuddles Kayla was the first to comfort her. And even when her grandfather the king of England died of cancer Kayla was there even during her first soccer game she was there she was even running right beside her when she made the winning goal. It wouldn't have been a memorable movement if Kayla wasn't there by her side or cheering her on.

But now history is done for now at least, Angelica will soon be turning 14 that day the queen and parliament decide that Angelica's uncle Delton the 2 was unfit for rule so Angelica took her place as 2nd in line for the throne but sadly her cousin Prince Delton the third took 3rd in line for the throne, but sooner or later parliament better see that Delton the third is just a copy of Delton the second who is a copy of Delton the Drunk who died even before he could take the throne.

Thing start changing dramatically for the better or for the worst even not even the wisest man could have predicted it, but somehow the gods are over seeing more than they have ever had. Neither Angelica nor her friends knew what was happening or why Mary-Kate Ang's mother placed more guards with Angel but something horrid lingered in the air like a pair of old moldy guy closes laid out with a rotten omelet, though no one knew where it was coming from, maybe it behind the portrait of King Mark the fifth.

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