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Ang was surprised when Austin said that would go with them just to protect her. But then again she knew he would come they did everything together he was as close of a friend as Kayla, maybe even closer.

Kayla was offended talking to Austin like they went just attacked and Ang tried to do the same thing. Ang was talking to Lord Mc Key he apparently knew a lot about her father, "your father was one of the greatest pilots I had ever seen the plane just flowed and obeyed his every command, it was like they were one," Lord Mc Key was very loosed in time.

"Lord Mc Key!"

"Forgive me your highness, well he was dazzling as your mother described him, well he wanted you to have something before he left on the mission and he gave it to me and told me to watch you, and when you're were ready, he wanted you to have this," and he went to his book shelf and took a book off of the shelf, and set it on his desk and opened it, but inside instead of pages it was hollow and inside there was a small wooden box with a little latch and vary carefully took it out and set it on Angelica's hand. She looked at Lord Mc Key for assurances and slowly opened it she and inside there was a golden ring with evravings of ancient swmbolbolds and words it was so bright like it was glowing and she dropped it but it never hit the floor and just hovered just a few inches from the floor, "Princess are you OK?"

"I'm fine I think it's just that I have had a very long day I haven't been able to sleep since the attack."

"I do have one more gift from your father, it will help you if there is another attack it might help you sleep, if you drop it won't float," and he came around his desk and picked up the ring and put it back in its box and got out another box and gave it to Ang, "if you flip it, it will turn in to a sword," again slowly Ang opened the box and there was a small coin, "do you like it?" it was gold with and with the same type of engravings as on the ring.

"They are beautiful," Ang said awed in their beauty, "why did he

leave this to me?"

"They are to protect you, when you where the ring you can't be hurt and the coin is Greek gold vary valuable it when you flip it will turn into a sword, try it," and he stepped back and gave a small nod to Ang; and she flipped the coin and it did turn into a foot sword that fit exactly to her hands, she held it perfectly. "So you want to go and rest or want me to show you how to use these?""Well I still wouldn't be able to sleep, if I didn't know how they worked, show me."

"Lets go to a practice room so I can teach you," and he walked to the painting that hanged behind his desk and pulled it back to reveal a secret passage and lit a little candle and gave it to Ang who went though and walked to a large room and lit a the torches around the wall, "OK hold it with one hand and for now put it behind your back so it won't get in the way now get in a ready stance, good now try to block me," Lord McKey swung at Ang and she blocked him with ease and swung back at him taking him off guard, "your better than I thought, your father was right you are a good fighter."

"Thanks but I can't get better if you keep talking," and they continued fighting.


"Austin did you see Ang at lunch?" asked Kayla she was very worried for her best friend, Kay couldn't help but wonder if Angel was hurt.

"No, last I saw her was at breakfast and she with my father, I don't remember seeing her after that."

"Oh my, she might be hurt or taken by those people," spilled Kay.

"Calm Kay let's check my father's office she might still be there," and they ran to his father's office and the door was shut, so they knocked but there was no answer so Austin opened the door and it was empty but there was a book on the desk and two small wooden boxes but no sign of Ang or his father. "Ang are you here, dad are you -,"

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