Good News and Bad News + Announcements

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:D Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a good day or night according to what TimeZones you all are!

If you can tell by the title, I have some good news, and bad news. I'll start with the Bad news first.

So my dad got offered a job in Georgia, 15 hours from my current residence. He accepted it, and is leaving at the end of this month to start work. This being said, I'll be moving in a few months, I suppose. Which means activity will be lower. To add to this, I'll also be attending public school once I move. I have no worries about making friends, as I know some people there all ready. BUT, I am worried about my activity on Wattpad.

I'm 11th grade, and I'm no where near being close to the standards of a Junior. So Studying will be my main priority.

Don't worry, I will not quit, until that is absolutely necessary.

The good news is, We happen to be moving to the town where on of my rather good friends live. So I won't be totally alone.

Onto Announcements;

The first Artist Spotlight contender will be announced on Saturday!

Chatmods have been Decided! Congratulations, HAPPYBIRTHDAYKEN , @Fadedwings , and Kittenpotpie

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