The masked man...[Hei love story]

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  I stared emotionlessly at the giant clock which hung effortlessly on the white, classroom wall. I tapped my long fingernails onto the wooden desk, getting annoyed at how slow the clocks fingers were moving. What I didn't notice, is that the tapping got louder- which drew a lot of attention. "Miss Destiny, is there something wrong?" my social studies teacher called out, her face curious as ever. I snapped back to reality- heat rising to my face in embarrassment. Just as I opened my mouth to protest, the bell rang loudly for lunch. All the high school children squirmed through the door; books and other sorts of things carried in their hands. 'Better hurry so she doesn't notice me..' I thought, biting my lip. My hands wrapped around my red binder, slipping seductively through the open door. A hand arose to my forehead to wipe away the nervous sweat that formed on my brow. Once again, It was just any other normal day at an American high school. 

  My name is Destiny. I'm a 3rd year high schooler at Hudson High School. I'm 16 years old, my birthday on September 27th. During class I almost always pay attention, do my work, get good grades- other things to pass the day quickly. I always had a habit of paying attention, because I spend most of my time drawing anything that pops into my awkward mind. I have absolutely no friends; for I am always a shy and quiet one. Some people would always call me weird, or freaky. Welp, you get used to it if you're always alone. 

I put the hideous, yet edible tray in front of me; slamming it onto the round table, "such disgusting food.." I pushed the tray aside, flipping open my giant red binder. Most of it was filled with nothing but little doodles and drawings I do during class- like horses, wolves, hardly ever any human ones...One of Destiny's weird quierk's, I guess. Suddenly, a jolt of pain pounded in my forehead-pictures of black feathers popping into my head, as if playing a video. Now you know how I get my impression of drawing. My hand started to draw feathers, and black crows. I could never stop myself from drawing whatever inspired me. But...usually, only the topic of feathers and crows popped into my head most of the time.  People have told me to consult a doctor, but I thought there was no need to. Not until I feel like I'm going to die- not one doctor is getting a penny out of my hard worked money. 

  Suddenly, a group of girls from my class started to crowd around me- silly, and somewhat, satisfying grins plastered across their faces. My eyes  glared up at them, my head not moving an inch. "Did you know we're getting another male student?" one of them, named Cecely, asked. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, shaking my head plainly. They all started giggling like little fangirls, "I sure hope he's sexy~~" they all said in unsion. 

I jumped up surprised at their sudden outburst, slamming my notebook closed, "and why are you telling me this?" One of the african american girls spoke up, "dunno. Just to let you know, I suppose." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, slipping my thin arms under my doodling book, "If that is all, we have a P.E class to get too." I started to walk to the gym, the new student stuck on my mind,. like gum under a desk. My hand reached up and popped my forehead to clear my thoughts, "there's no time for have a teacher to talk to- to get out of changing into those small shorts!" 

  I panted heavily, hands on my knees as I gasped for breath before my P.E teacher. I raised an index finger to speak, but she already cut to the chase, "no, you may not stay in your normal clothing again. I understand you probably feel uncomfortable in dressing out, but it's all for a grade Destiny." I let out a heaving sigh, walking lazily to the girls locker rooms. I was always picked on for having a very nice body by some of the girls- but part of them saying how nice of a figure I have for a normal /caucasian/ woman. I could hear and feel most of the girls eyes and snickering going on in the back round, as I hesitantly put on my black T-shirt and white spandex shorts. Tieing my laces, I raced out the door into the school field, where all the girls were on one side- males on the other. 

  After a good 30 minutes of running 5 laps, changing, and going back to my 6th period, I was anxious to see the new student....I don't know why- It's just making my heart pound faster and faster. Once again, my fingers tapped against the wooden desk of my home-economics class- my favorite time of all the school day. Once Mrs. Stewart came into the classroom, she hushed everyone as she began speaking, "some of you may know, we have a new transfer student from Tokyo here today. I want you all to introduce yourselves one by one, alright? And yes, he speaks fluent English," she announced, "come in Mister Li' Shaeshung." I didn't really bother to see the new student- for I didn't really care that much. I watched all of the girls reactions, their cheeks flustering an anxious red. I stared down at my drawings, starting to shade them in with my pencil. Strong footsteps could be heard as the student entered the room- my eyes still affixed to the paper below me. "Hello everyone," he said charmingly, as all the girls 'ooed' and 'ahhed' at his arrival. I let a small, silent 'tch' escape my mouth as Mrs. Stewart instructed for him to sit across from me. Well, it couldn't hurt to just have a peak....

I looked from the corner of my eye...

My eyes widened slowly- staring at his handsome features. His collarbones could be seen from his button-down white shirt. This must have been the only time I found a man...attr...No, Destiny, get a hold of yourself. But I couldn't pull my eyes away, as I just stared at him like I was dumbfounded. For, I was staring at him for a tinsey-bit too long, I saw him look at me with his deep, gorgeous blue eyes- his black hair swaying with the movement. A small squeak escaped my mouth, twisting my head back down into my paper. His mouth opened a small gap to speak- but the teacher interrupted, "how about we let Miss Destiny go first?" I twitched at the thought of going up there, in front of at least 20 students and making a fool of myself. I felt my cheek, while I got up and walked slowly down the isle to the front of the room. All eyes were on me, as I tried to make the redness disappear from my face. 

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