chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning and instantly thought of Tyler, his smile, his eyes, and his perfect body. Then my phone rang.

"Are you awake?" Kevin's voice cracked on the other side.

"Yeah, well kinda, I just woke up. Why?" I did not want to spend the day with him, and I wasn't sure why.

"If Tyler and I come pick you up, do you want to go out?" He coughed a bit. "or maybe just go to Tyler's I don't feel good." He coughed some more.

"How much time do I have?" I looked at the clock, it was already noon.

"I will have Tyler pick you up at 2." He paused. "I will have him bring you back here. I really don't feel good shawty. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I tried to hide my excitement. Really alone time with Tyler? I had only met him once, but I needed to see him again!

"Okay see you in a couple hours, love you short stack." He hung up with nothing else said.

After a quick shower, getting dressed, doing my makeup real nice, and my hair to perfection I stood outside waiting for Tyler. He pulled up in an old beat up Grand Prix.

"Well, don't you look lovely?" He commented as I got into the car. I just smiled. "Really? Nothing?" again I just smiled, once I saw his eyes I was lost for words. "I have two options for you, We can either hangout together, or we can go to Kevins and try to wake him up. Choice is all yours."

"wait, why is he asleep?" I was so confussed.

"He just crashed from a really bad high with Meech. I wouldn't expect him to be awake till tomorrow if I were you." I just nodded my head to his words. "So? Want to spend the day with me?"

"Sure!" There was no denying it, I liked him.

"Great! I was hoping you were down." I wanted to ask what that meant. The question burned inside me, but I swallowed it down and went along with it. "You should smile more, you look better like that."

After running all over town doing pretty much nothing, I thought, he finally offered to buy me dinner. When we got to the restaurant, he pulled out a wad of cash, one I know for a fact he did not have when we went to the gas station after leaving my house. I just ignored it and smiled.

"How did you meet Kevin?" Tyler asked as we sat down.

"At the police station actually. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up, and he was being released for something. I thought he looked like a god, gave him my number and that was that." I just looked at Tyler hoping the Kevin talk was done.

"You thought he looked like a god? What about now?" He smiled at me. I couldn't tell is Kevin put him up to this or not. "I promise my mouth is sealed."

"I met someone who looks even more like a god, changed my mind." I couldn't smile at this.

He leaned back in his chair. "how old are you?" before I could answer he threw another question at me "who?"

"I am 17, and I prefer not say."

"I am 22." I think he knew it was him, because as soon as I said it he brightened.

"5 years? Is that bad?" After the question came out, it was too late.

"For friends? No. For a couple? probably, but maybe when you are 18.." He stopped talking. "You are dating Kevin, I mean this is our first day actually seeing eachother.. I like you Jamie, but Kevin is like my brother."

"I will leave him!" I say without hesitation. "I can't be with him anymore anyway.." I said this time more calm.

"He will kill me."

"Why? It's not like he will care." I reached for his hand. Now that i knew he liked me too, I couldn't help myself.

"But he will, with what he is on right now... He will care about you leaving, he wont care about how he reacts. That is what scares me." Tyler put his head down.

"I won't tell him why.. I won't let him hurt you, I won't let him hurt me, I won't let him hurt us." After only a day I knew Tyler was the one, but I didn't realize how quickly I would regret those words.

We walked outside and leaning against the car was Kevin. "You two having fun?" He got off Tyler's car and looked at me with wild eyes. "huh? no words?" Neither of us spoke, just stood there in shock. Tyler looked insane, he threw his hands up. "What am I going to do with you?" He screamed and grabbed my arm.

"Let her go Kev!" The voice was a woman's. It was Bree, Tylers sister. Next thing I know Kevin threw me down and Tyler was right there to pick me back up. I stood there for a few seconds confused on what just happened.

Hands grabbed my shoulders and I wasn't sure if they were friend or foe. "Breathe." Is all he said. I wasn't sure on who it was. "It's me Meech. Just breathe." I turned around to face him. He looked so much different this time. It made no sense, I just saw him yesterday and he looked sickly today. "He is just tweakin Jamie."

"Let go of me man!" Tyler was yelling so I had to turn around and look. Meech refused to let me move. "Kev for real man! Nothing Happened!" That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I kicked Meech in the shin and ran after the sound of Tyler and Kevin arguing. "Put it down please." When I came around the corner Kevin was standing there with something is his hand. Tyler was keeping his distance, I felt like I should too. "Please man." I walked closer, I had to make sure they were both okay. I stopped still out of sight.

Who do I go too? That was the only thought I had, I ran straight to Kevin. He instantly dropped to his knees. "I love you." He reached up, pulled me close, and rested his head on my stomach. "I love you Kevin." As I said it I meant it, but looking at Tyler brought tears to my eyes. He was bleeding and ever ounce of me wanted to run to him. I wanted to be in his arms. I put my hand on Kevin's head and tried to back up and little.

"What do you think you are doing?" He pulled me tighter then he was before. "I need you."

"You are just squeezing too tight, love." I tried to pull away again.

"It only feels like that because you don't love me enough!" The crazy was back in his eyes. "You dumb bitch." I tried to pull away harder this time, but his grip was strong. "I'll show you how much I love you though." He moved his arms so he could grab my arms. He wouldn't lose eye contact as he stood back up. "Just how much I love you." One of his hands came up around my neck. "You could be happy you know? I could treat you like a princess, but instead I'll just have to treat you like a servant." His hand tightened and he shoved me against a wall. "Or I could just..." I felt something enter me, his words meant nothing. The pain in my side took me away form reality. I felt it again, again, and again. "Stupid whore." I fell to the ground as he walked away.

Where is Tyler? That was the only thought I had, as the world around me turned dark. I was shut out into a deep darkness, and all I wanted was him.

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