Chapter 7

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November 10, 11:19 PM.

Gaga silently slides out of bed, but she is not careful enough as Taylor grunts and rolls over. 'Stef? What are you doing?' He mumbles sleepily as Gaga sits back on the edge of the bed. She strokes his cheek and looks at him. 'Nothing, can't sleep. I'm okay.' She smiles and he kisses her fingers. 'Stay here, you've been looking tired for a while, try to sleep.' He looks at her, fully awake now. 'No, really,' Gaga chuckles. 'I'm too awake to sleep. I'll be back later.' She stands up and smiles at Taylor again. He sits up and reaches out to take her hand. 'I love you, wake me up when you need me.' He softly squeezes her hand and then lays back again.

Gaga paces around in the living room with her hand on her belly. It's been about an hour and a half since she got out of bed, but she has become too anxious to sleep. She is confused and a little scared and then she decides she would feel better if she could talk to Taylor. She slowly makes her way back to the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed, on his side this time. With a slightly trembling hand she softly strokes his cheek and she also whispers his name a few times. 'Mmmh?' He eventually groans a little and Gaga sighs relieved. 'Tay? Are you awake?' She asks just to be sure. Taylor hears the hint of panic in her voice and he sits up. Gaga looks at him and bites her lip. 'I'm having contractions and I think I might be in labor but I'm not sure and I'm scared.'

Taylor is speechless for a little while. He takes Gaga's hand and softly rubs it with his thumb while looking at her. 'What do we do?' He asks nervously and Gaga shrugs. 'I think we should call Emma, but it's like 1 in the morning so I don't even know if she's working.' Her bottom lip starts trembling and Taylor gently wraps his arms around her. 'I'm scared, T.' Gaga mumbles into his shoulder as Taylor holds her close. He rubs her back and eventually she pulls away. 'I'm just going to call Emma.' She states and Taylor quickly hands her his phone. While she makes the call, he holds her hand as he listens to what she is saying.

Gaga opens her mouth to explain what Emma said, but then she closes it suddenly. She bites her bottom lip while she closes her eyes and she takes deep breaths. 'Stef?' Taylor asks, utterly confused until it suddenly dawns on him. He now knows she is having a contraction, but he is still unsure about what to do. 'Emma said,' Gaga begins slowly, 'that we should just stay here for now. Until my water breaks or until my contractions last about a minute and are about five minutes apart we don't have to go to the hospital.' Taylor softly strokes her hand as he looks at her. 'Are you okay with that?' He asks her softly and he sees her smiling faintly. 'Yeah, sure,' she opens her eyes again as the pain ebbs away.

'So what are we going to do now?' Taylor looks at Gaga. 'I don't know, what do you want?' She asks him and he laughs, even when she seems to be going into labor she puts his needs before hers. 'Maybe we could try to sleep a little,' he suggests unsurely. 'I mean, you haven't slept at all and this is going to be a long day.' He strokes some hair out of her face and she looks at him. 'I don't think I'll be able to sleep much, but we can try.' She slowly leans in and gently kisses him. 'I'm exhausted anyway,' she adds as she lays down. 'Sweet dreams, Stef.' Taylor spoons Gaga and softly kisses her neck.

Gaga dozes off a little, but she is nervous and every time she feels anything happen in her body she is wide awake again. Her contractions are irregular and quite some time passes in between of them. She lies awake for what feels like a long time, just listening to Taylor's breathing. After around two hours, the contractions Gaga is having are starting to come more regularly. Where there first could be ten minutes to twenty minutes between them, it has been sixteen minutes for a while now.

Gaga eventually gets out of bed and starts walking through their apartment. She is feeling pretty alright, the nighttime is liberating. Sometimes she feels like the loneliness of being awake at these times is suffocating her, but other times it makes her feel so free. She smiles a little and walks to the nursery. She stands still when a new contraction starts, but although it is an unpleasant feeling, it doesn't hurt that much yet. Gaga knows that the real pain is yet to come and although it makes her a little nervous, she isn't that scared and she is mostly looking forward to finally holding her baby in her arms.

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