A Look Into The Past - Prologue

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**Hello minna-san! I am releasing finally the preview or as I call it the past of my character. I hope you all love it! I worked very hard to make this. Enjoy!**

Several years ago there is a mighty kingdom called Fiore. The kingdom was bright and festive. Many people came to the country. But there was one odd thing Fiore had. They possessed magical beings called Mages. Each mage entered a guild and did missions to earn jewels. The strongest amongst the land was a guild called Fairy Tail. No one knows the orgins of Fairy Tail's name. Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!

As the rumbuctious guild went on missions. In the castle a King and Queen were having a baby. The young Queen had hardships during her pregnancy. Her body too weak and was ordered to be bed ridden during her last few months of her pregnancy. Even despite that the King and Queen were very happy to have a child. as they had been wanting a child for the last 4 years of their marriage. Finally on April 16th, x772, a princess and prince were born.

The young princess consisted of beautiful pale skin, cauldron black hair, and beautiful violet eyes. The young prince white hair, pale skin, and same color eyes. The King was very happy of the birthing of his children. However the Queen had died giving birth too her children. During the birthing the Queen was having blood loss from the delivery. The doctors couldn't prevent it leading to the death of their beloved Queen.

With a heavy heart the King went out in the balcony announcing the birthing of the new heirs to the throne. Everyone in the crowd erupted in applause and cheers. The King let this continue for a few more moments but he raised his hand signaling silence. As the crowd settled the King felt tears drip from his blue eyes. With a strong voice he announced the death of the late Queen Saya Kushinada. The once happy crowd now mourned that mingled with happiness due to the both news that be fell them all.

Years passed as the two heirs of the royal thrown crown up. After the announcement the King made. He also announced the names of the children. The young prince Lelouch Kushinada and the princess Saya-Inoue Kuchinada. The King raised both of them well and loved them with all of his heart. Lelouch aka Lulu grew up to be very adventurous, brave and very cunning. He was very loud and rubuctious and dreamed to explore the land outside of Fiore. Saya-Inoue being named after her late mother, went by Inoue. She grew up to be the exact opposite of her brother. Being quiet, petite, soft spoken, well behaved. Her dreams were to be like her mother and rule the kingdom in kindness. However she was very kind and always went out of her way to make her twin brother smile.

The two twins were very close. Lulu being over protective of his sister, while Inoue kept Lulu put of trouble. The two we're like Yin and Yang. Balancing the other out and depending on each other.

As they continued to grow, by the time they were only 6 years old. The king watched his children. His heart heavy at the loss of his late wife. He decided to marry again since the children needed a mother in their lives. 7 months later the King had married a widowed Queen, Queen Amathea, from neighboring kingdom. Queen Amalthea had one son named Prince Edward. The twins happily accepted the stepmother and brother. However after the few months past.

The stepmother became viscous to Inoue jealous of the young girls beauty. Whenever Lulu or the King were not insight the Queen lashed out to Inoue. Making the young heir cry and run out of the room in tears. As things progressively got worse their father grew ill, eventually passing away October 13th, x778. The following months Prince Lulu followed after also growing gravely ill. Leaving Inoue the sole heir of the Fiore throne.

After the death of King and prince the country went in mourning. Since the princess was too young to take the throne. The now once again widowed Queen Amalthea took the throne. Inoue now left at the mercy of the Queen. As the days after she lashed out worse at Inoue. Beating the young princess to the point of losing consciousness. During these days the Princess wished she also had died, but quickly remembered her wish. To take back the throne.

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