Chapter 15

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*This is different from the usual chapters. It's mostly dialogues and hardly any narration. I hope that it allows you to get to know Luca and Angela better :).*

A man, few years pass middle age, strutted out of the elevator doors. He was of average height but as imposing as the empire state building. His crooked nose stood out as if it could be a being all on its own. He had a man's face, chiseled despite the threat of wrinkles. He had dark features paired with eyes similar to someone I knew. The same person who had me still enveloped in his arms.

"Nonnino," called Luca. The man broke out into a huge smile and walked closer toward us.

"Luca. Let go," I said realising he had no plans in releasing me.

"You must stay my Angel. You have to meet this man," he said tightening his grip. When 'nonnino' finally reached us, Luca turn me around, captive in his strong arms, my back pressed against his front.

"Oh! What do we have here?" the old man asked. He was still sporting a huge grin.

"Nonnino, this is Angela. My Angel," Luca introduced, kissing my shoulder at the end.

"A fitting name for such beauty," the old man said directly at me. I admit, I was flattered by the compliment.

"Angel, this is Alessio Moretti, my grandfather."

"Nice, to meet you Mr Moretti," I said as I struggled to get out.

"Please my child, call me nonnino." He went on to surprising me by kissing both of my cheeks. "I'm very glad to meet you." He smiled like seeing his betted horse won the race.

"What brought you here nonnino?" asked Luca.

"Business," he said curtly. "C'mon, let go of the girl and let's talk in your office." Reluctantly, he obeyed. The loss of heat was undeniable, I actually felt cold.

"I have to go my Angel," Luca said facing me. He leaned in and tried to steal another kiss. However, I covered my mouth before he could do so.

"No more," I told him. I knew it got to him because his eyes narrowed and the muscle on his jaw twitched. Frustrated, he sighed and settled for my forehead. Then, the two men headed to the office and would stay there for a few hours. Time which I had spent catching myself daydreaming of Luca's kiss.

"Angela." I heard someone called. "Angela," the caller repeated. Finally, I felt a hand touched my shoulder.

"Betty, what is it?" I asked startled.

"Are you alright dear?" she asked with amusement.

"Oh nothing," I said red as a tomato. "What was it you're telling me again?"

"I asked if sandwich would be good to have for lunch today."

"Oh, yes, yes. I'm sorry. Sandwich would be great," I told her. She shook her head as if I lost my head somewhere and didn't know where to find it.

"Alright." She said with a chuckle. "Can you ask Alessio and Luca what they would like in it? I'll make ours first. Maybe you're just hungry."

"How very kind of you," I teased. "Ok. I'll be right back then."

Upon gently knocking, Luca swung the door open none too gently. He seemed to be in a foul mood. His lips was pursed, brows furrowed and nose flared like a bull enraged. My face as a result contorted between surprise and fear. I must had been a sight to behold because Luca's mood dramatically changed. I watched his lips twitched upwards before surrendering to a hearty laugh.

"Oh god, please stop," I said covering my face with my hands. I was so embarrassed.

"I'm...sorry...pffft...I'll stop." Well, at least I could say he was trying.

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