Chapter 12: The bitch is gone

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I got to class early this morning to finish grading what I didn't do on Yesterday. It is 15 minutes until the first bell. Nicole walks in and closes the door. I say, " What are you doing here?"

" Oh are you disappointed to see me here."

" Not at all but you are never at school this early."

" Yeah well I'm trying to show that I am going to be more focused on school."

I stand up and walk up to her. I wrap my arms around her and say, " Yes that so?"

She smiles and nods. She brings out a box and tells me to open it. I open it and it's a watch. I say, " What is this for?"

" So that you don't have to watch the clock on the wall so much and can watch me more."

" Oh you would love that wouldn't you."

" You would love it more." She sticks out her tongue at me. I kiss her and say thanks before heading to my desk. I say, " Go hang out with your friends."

" Ma'am yes ma'am." She slutes me and walks out. I role my eyes. I don't know what I am going to do about her.

I finish grading and everyone walks in. The late bell was about to ring and Nicole still wasn't in class. Ugh she showed up for school early and everything but is she really pushing her luck by showing up late to her first class of the day. Amy hasn't showed up either but with her I know why. Amy changed class but she wouldn't tell the office why. I don't care though because I am happy that she wasn't going to be my student anymore. She will be one less worry. A minute before the bell rings Nicole walks in. She smiles at me and I smile back. I go infront of the class and tell them to open to chapter one and finish reading it.


Nicole and I have decided to go to the waterpark that was an hour away from where we live. We decided to being Abby. I of courses payed for everyone. We are standing in line for a water slide that three people can go on. It is a little boat looking thing. When we get to the top of the stairs we all get in and buckle up. Nicole is on one side of me and Abby is on the other. There are a few other people on the boat with us. The boat starts moving. At first we go through a stream looking place. We see fish in the water. On the side there are little things that look like fishers and they actually move. One fisher has a fish in his hand with a huge smile on his face. There are really people actually standing out fishing also. They are far enough away from the boat that the won't huck anyone. As we move along the current starts picking up. We are soon in rapids. The boat starts bobbing up and down. The water keeps getting faster and faster. Soon we see a waterfall comeing up. We are soon going over the edge. I am glad we are strapped in because we are going super fast straightt dow. We come a inch from the water. If someone on that side reached out their hands they could touch it. Because of the ride tracks we straighten out. The waterfall falls over Abby, Nicole, and I. We end up socking wet. We are now in the ocean. There are dophens swimming around us. Some of the dophens are machines but others are real. This ride is so cool. We get to a place in the water and the boat start spinning around and around. We get taken under. Luckly where we go under only has a little bit of water. We are now in a tube locking thing. It shots us to where we get off. We unbuckle and get off. Abby says, " That ride was so much fun. Can we please go again?"

" The ride was cool but that line is to long. How about we go to the waive pool." They both agree. So we go to the waive pool. The water is calm so we swim out to as far as we can go. The noise that indicates that the waives are about to start gets louder. The waives start coming and we start jumping over them. Abby is a good swimmer so I'm not worried about her. Nicole swims up to me and wraps her arms around me. We start jumping over the waives like this. This has already been the best Saturday ever and it keeps getting better. I love being here with Nicole and not having to worry about anyone seeing us. Not a lot of people from our town come here since we have our own waterpark in or town. We spend the rest of the day at waterpark before heading back.


It is Sunday night and I am hanging out with some friends. We are watching the Panthers play the red skins. I am a huge football fan. The best part about watching this game is that some of my friends are red skins fans while other are panthers fans. I am a panthers fan. The panthers make a touchdown. Me and the friend going for the panthers cheer. I say, " Oh in your face. What are you going to do now?"

I take football to the exstream but hey that's the only way to do it. I want another beer so I say, " Does anyone want anything to drink while I am in the kitchen?"

A few people wanted a beer so I bring each of them one. I open the beer bottle with my arm. I chug the shit out of it. This is only my second beer so I'm not even tipsy yet. I have been drinking since I was 16 so it takes a lot to make me tipsy. I used to tell myself that I would be careful with drinking since some of my family is addicted to it. However in the end I just went with it. The red skins are doing good. They are making drive after drive. I scream at my tv for my boys to start playing some D. Ugh they just have to win so that my friends don't rub it in my face. I love my friends but at times they can be ass holes. When it is the worse though is while watching football. If you are going for one team and they win you get to rub it in the other people face. We get really loud about our games. We don't get together a lot to watch football but when we do it is always fun. The panthers win and we rub it in so bad that every else ia telling us to shut up. We just shake our heads. People start leaving. Everyone leaves other then Lisa who is spending the night. She looks at me and says, " You should go talk to Nicole." I agree with her so I walk out. I walk out and go to Nicole's house. Her dad wasn't home so I just walked in. When he was there I never just walked in. I used to just walk in whenever I wanted to when Nicole was home alone. Even though the last time I just walked in didn't go that well I still did it this time. I go up to her room and walk in. I see Nicole passed out. I see that she has a pill bottle next to her. I pick it up. It didn't look like she had taken a lot out. I try to shake her awake but that doesn't work. I then try to kiss her awake but that didn't work either. Ugh what should I do. I don't want to call 911 if it isn't anything. I decide what I am going to do. I go look for a bucket. I found one under the kitchen senk. I fell it up with water and walk back upstairs. I dump it on her. She wakes up shivering. She says, " What the fuck I'm all wet and so is my bed! I will have to chang my sheets now! What the fuck was that all about?!"

" You were passed out with a bottle of pills next to you and it isn't that late at night!"

" So you dumped water on me?!"

" Well yeah!" She was mad but so was I. Will when she learn. She is slowly killing herself. In the process she was also killing me.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now