Chapter 17: Crazy stuff is going down

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I have no clue what to do about what happened last night and yesterday. So I do what I normally do when I dont know what to do. I decide to talk to Lisa, Jamie, and James. I text Lisa and say,

" Hey girl I really need to talk to you about something. Can we meet somewhere or can you come over?"

Not that long after I send the text she text back.

" Of course. I'm close to your house so I will be over there in five."

I wait five minutes before I hear a knock on my door. I let her in and lead her to my living room. I say, " So I have a problem."

" What is your problem."

" So I found Nicole fucked up on pills yesterday. She has been having the issue with pills for a while. She told me that she was gonna stop by the end of the month but she doesn't seem like she is trying."

Lisa looks shocked. It takes her a while to recover before she says something. " Well even though you known about her pill issue you should do an intervention. I will be there for you."

" I have to think about doing that because I don't want to push her away. My other issue is I went to a bar last night. Two wemon came on to me but nothing happened. I fell bad about it though because I got drunk. I shouldn't have gone about it that way."

" Nothing happened so it shouldn't turn out that bad. You should have called me though. I think if you tell her your sorry then everything will be ok."

" Thanks and I know I should have called you." We hang out a little before she leaves. I then text Jamie.

" Hey I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere or can you come to my house?"

A little bit later a text comes through from Jamie.

" Yeah I will come to your house since I'm home. I will be there in 10 minutes."

I make me a sandwich and eat it. After I am done Jamie is walking into my house. She comes into my kitchen. We sit at my table. She says, " So what's up?"

" Well I walked in on Nicole being fucked up yesterday."

" Wait what? Nicol was getting fucked yesterday? By who?"

" No I said fucked up. She was fucked up on pills. She has been having an issue with pills for a while. She told me she would be done with it by the end of the month but it doesn't look like she is even trying to stop."

Like Lusa Jamie is shocked. It takes only a little bit before she says, " No not sweet Nicole. We need to have an intervention. Is she on any other shit?"

" Lisa said to have an intervention also. I don't know about that though because I don't want to lose her altogether. She also smokes pot, cigs, and drinks alcohol."

" We need to have an intervention about all things."

" I want to think about it all."

" It better for it to happen now before something bad happens to her."

Oh yeah she doesn't know about Nicole oding. I say, " Something bad has already happened."

" What happened?"

" She oded awhile back."

" Yeah we need to have that intervention."

" Like I said I will think about it. Last night I went to the bar and two wemon hit on me but nothing happened."

" Just tell her your sorry." I nod and she leaves. I text James

" Hey I need to talk to you."

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now