Chapter 1: First day of school

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My name is Amber. I'm 25, red hair, blue eyes, a little toned, and am a teacher of science at the local high school.

It is actually my first day of my first year with the students today. I am running a little late so I stomp on the gas peddle. My little old truck sputters. I say, " Come on girl I need to get to work." I pat my stearing wheel. Yes I talk to my truck and I also have named her Betty. I have had her since I was 20.

I finly get to the school. I park and my spot grab my bag, lock my truck, and walk to my classroom. Lucky I get there before the first bell. When the first bell rings some students walk in and have a seat. You can totally tell the over achievers and the suck ups. The suck ups won't get very far by kissing my ass.

The late bell finally rings and I close the door. I walk to the front of my class. I say, " Hello everyone I am Miss Hill." I go and write my name on my white board. I turn back when I am done and pick up a stack of papers. I start passing them out when there is a knock on the door. I walk to the door with the papers and open it. I take a deep breath. It is the one student that I did not want to have in my class. I say, " Nicole you are late please go find a seat."

" Hey Amber." She waives and smiles a little flirty smile. I say, " It is Miss. Hill."

" Sorry Miss. Hill."

So go finds a seat. So Nicole is this sexy blond who has green eyes and is really toned. She knows my name because I used to baby sit her. She has always lived right next door to me so I have known her since she was a baby. Even when I moved out of my parents house she still lived next door because I just moved to the house on the other side of her to still be close to my parents since they need someone to help them with my little sister Abby. Nicole has always taken my breath away because of how sexy she is. She has always been mature for her age. She is 18 now but has acted like an adult since she was 14. However she does have very bad habbits. She smokes more then one thing, does pills, and is always acting out because she lnows she can get away with it since her dad is the chief of police. I really didn't want her as a student. I should have checked my roster danm it.

I start passing the papers back out. When I am done I go and stand in front of the class. I say, " First of all I will not tolrate people being late for my class. If you are late by even a minute you will have to stay here your whole lunch break. Second of all everyone will show me respect if you want my reapect in return. I want to have an amazing year since this is your last but that all depends on how you act. I don't believe in the whole if one person does it then everyone is punished but if a lot of people are doing something then you all will be punished please keep that in mind. Lastly there is no seating charts and there doesn't have to be. If you guys act like adults which all of you guys almost are if not already are then I will treat you like adults. Does everyone understand that?)

Everyone nods and some even say yeah. The rest of the peiored we play a game to get to know each other. At the end of class I ask Nicole to stay. After everyone leaves I close the door. I say, " I don't want you acting up this year is that uderstood?"

" Ma'am yes ma'am Miss. Hill."

" I'm not playing. You know I won't think twice about going to your dad personally if you act up."

" Ok ok!"

" Since you were late you will be spending your lunch in here."

" Are you serious?!"

" Yes I am."

She rolls her eyes and walk out slamming the door behind her. I shake my head knowing that I will have a hard time this year from her.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now