You ... Dummy!

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31. Runaway from life.

Reasons why:

1. You'll hurt the ones you love. 

2. Same thing as suicide.

3. How do ya earn a living?

32. Inject yourself with poison.

Reasons why:

1. Do you need a reason?

2. Here's your reason: It would hurt.

33. Name your dog "cat".

Reasons why:

1. Confusing!

34. Name your cat "dog".

Reasons why:

1. Double-confusing!?

35. Use Chopin's Funeral March in a Wedding.

Reasons why:

1. Can you imagine Mendelssohn's Wedding March in a funeral?

2. The poor couple.

36. Cash in all your money in for a million dollar bill.

Reasons why:

1. Your shirt says gullible. (And so does the million dollar bill!)

37. Believe everything from the Internet.

Reasons why:

1. Not everything's true, you can't even trust this guide. :O

38. Not marry a pig.

Reasons why:

1. On on the Internet, it says that marrying a pig gives you a better time in bed.

2. The Internet also says that pigs are the cleanest animals.

39. Not realize that I skipped number 39.

Reasons why:

1. Tricked ya!

39. Realizing that this isn't a number 40.

Reasons why:

1. Got ya again!

40. (Back to normal now!) Slipping over a banana peel.

Reasons why:

1. Watch where you are going! A banana peel is big enough to see...

2. The last time I saw someone slip over a banana peel was in Tom and Jerry.


Author's Note:

Liked it? Or not? Leave a comment, vote, and follow! Any suggestions for the next ten are welcome!

NOTE: Be aware that in this chapter, there are 11 Things! 

Also, it might take a while before I post the next one. Finals, ya know? Don't expect it anytime soon :P


A Nicole Production© 2013

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