Goodbye Manchester.

331 11 6

Dans POV
I was walking home from the coffee shop. I can't believe that just happened. My girlfriend breaks up with me because of Phil, then she wants to be with Phil? I doesn't matter because he said no anyway. I mean if I were her I would want to be with Phil too. He's smart, nice, cute. He's everything. Wait what? I knocked into someone, I fell and yelled,
"What the hell?!" I looked up and saw what looked like Phil's father barreling over me.
"Where did Phil go?"
"I don't know." I was very rude to him because every time Phil came to school he would have a new bruise. Ones my men didn't give him. He eyed my new tattoo,
"Got a new tattoo I see." He chuckled slightly. "Wouldn't it be a shame if someone were to hurt it?" I was walking through a path in the forest. He could do literally whatever he wanted.
"It would. And I have absolutely no fucking clue where Phil is. And if you must know I'm as straight as a plank of wood so no reason to hurt me. If you would like to check my house for Phil go ahead. But you will need to help me up because I have the key and my parents aren't home." He handed me his hand and I took it. We started walking back to my house when he started a conversation.
"Phil tells me you hate each other."
"I don't hate him. He hates me."
"Because I bully him. A lot."
"And you know I am his father so why would you tell me that?"
"Because you abuse him. It's not like you would care anyway you do so much worse to your son then I do."
"How the fuck did you know about that?" And just like that I was in the dirt again.
"I see his bruises that my men don't give him. It's easy. I see burn marks. We don't burn him. It was easy to figure out. He's also gay which might trigger you. Now help me back up." He looked ashamed. Like when he tried to hide the marks and he was suprised I knew.
"Yah." He put out his hand and I grabbed it.
"Why was Phil in your house then."
"Because he punched me and I fell and broke my ankle."
"So why didn't he just leave you for someone else to find you? You bullied him so why does he care about you?"
"He doesn't. It would haunt him if he didn't. I assume that."
"Oh." We reached my front door and in the hallway was pj. Phil's best friend. He stated talking,
"What did you do with Phil!?" Chris came out with a metal baseball bat,
"If you don't tell us where your goons put him. You're dead."
"Look everyone. I don't know where Phil is! I hate that idiot! He's just a faggot who deserves to be dead but I wouldn't fucking kill him!" Everything I was say was a lie. Let me rephrase that in my brain. 'Mr. Lester, get out of my fucking house or I'm calling the police. *Once he was gone* Chris. Pj. Phil went to London and I love him in every possible way he's the smartest. The cutest and I wish he was mine!' Is should say that. I need to tell someone. Now is my chance.
"Mr. Lester, get out of my fucking house or I'm calling the police." He immediately left, "Chris. Pj. Phil went to London and I love him in every possible way he's the smartest. The cutest and I wish he was mine!" I regret saying that. Their mouths were wide in shock like they had just heard the president got shot.
"Holy shit." Was Chris's response.
"You have feelings for someone you torment everyday?"
"Well let's get our asses to London!"
"Guys we can go to London but Phil will have to stay there."
"His dad abuses him. And is looking for him to kill him."
"So your saying if we bring him back, he'll die?"
"But what about you and Phil?"
"I have an idea!" Chris spoke.
"Stay there with him."
"What? I can't do that what about school and my family?"
"You don't care about school or your family."
"Alright, we'll let me pack and grab some money."
"Ok well hurry up!" I ran upstairs and started packing.


What's you favourite artist and band?

Melanie Martinez and Slipknot!
  Bought crybaby             Saw them
    Day it came out.               Live in
                                                      A week ago.

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