The ditch

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So before I was depressed, I wanted to die. I stopped believing in the divine spirit. Until repeating number sequences started showing up. Repeating number sequences is one way Angels communicate with us. I saw 333, this means the ascended master want to help me, and guide me. I saw 666, this is not the Devils number. The ego makes stuff like that up, the ego loves drama. Another thing the ego thrives off of. So 666 mean to stop thinking about meaningless things and start thinking about things to do with spirituality. Like my visions, dreams, clairaudience. 

It was hard getting a fresh start but I've gotten better. Anytime you get a dream it's best to write them down. Our guardian angels speak to us metaphorically through our dreams. It's best to sleep with Angelite stone and Amethyst crystal under your pillow. 

Angelite offers psychic protection, aids in dreaming, helps muscle pain, helps you work on telepathy. (Cool right)

Amethyst offers psychic protection, break bad habits, work on clairvoyance and  clairaudience, and grounds you.

⚠️ Do not put water on Angelite it will dissolve 😱🙀😞💧

⚠️ Do not leave amethyst out in the sun for too long the color will fade🌞    🔫🗿   

🌕 the moon can cleanse and recharge crystals so I suggest you leave crystals alone overnight not during the new moon. 🌑     🔫🗿

Crystals need to be cared for because you are one with them as well. They give guidance.💎

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