Chapter Five

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Today is the day of Luke's birthday. Who is known as Flenrick's little brother celebrating his birthday in Fredbear and friends family diner.

"Hey Daniel, over here!" Luke yelled getting Daniel's attention. Daniel run up to him "Hi Luke. Happy birthday though" Daniel said panting.

"heh thanks" Luke said. There were 6 of them in the group of friends. Luke, Bea, Chloe, Finn, Gabriel and Daniel.

Luke was like Flenrick, brown hair but he has blue eyes and loves fluffy stuffs and pizza.

Bea was a black haired girl with blue eyes and loves the color purple and always play a little of guitar and she is Ben's younger sister.

Chloe was a short blonde girl with hazel eyes and loves to eat pizza like Luke and she is Charles younger sister.

Finn was a red haired kid with green eyes and always loves going on an adventures and he is just the only child.

Gabriel was a kid with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes, he loves his friends but he loves being alone because it was peaceful he is the twin of Luke and brothers with Flenrick.

"you guys wanna go to the arcade?" Finn asked and the whole gang agreed and started rushing to the game room.

Somewhere in the restaurant...

Vincent, their father and waiter in the restaurant watched Daniel run off to the arcade game with his friends.

Vincent gave the orders of the customers. Vincent smiled for his young son playing along with other kids.

But his smiled went into a serious look. He saw Elijah with his gang. What is that boy gonna do now? Vincent thought.

But he just continued his job.

With Elijah...

The four of them were just somewhere in the restaurant doing whatever the hell they want. They waited for all the people to left and the four of them spend their times hanging out, eating and play in the arcade room.

The game they mostly play was the basketball thingy. (forgot what it was called, sorry) They would bet on whoever could get the highest score or something.

They ate pizza or walk around the restaurant. The mask that they were going to wear was inside of Flenrick's back pack which he was wearing behind his back.

Until it started...

The party started...

Not the birthday but the gang's party to scare Daniel.

The customers went fewer and fewer every minute. Employees cleaning up the mess. Animatronics getting shut down.

"Come on guys let's go home" Luke said and pointed towards the door, seeing everyone started to leave the place.

"You guys go ahead. I have to search for my brother. He said we should go home together" Daniel said "Alright, bye Daniel" The other said and started to run towards their parents and started to go home.

"Now to search for my brother..." Daniel said. He heard nothing. The lights were still on and he stared at the creepy looking animatronics on the stage.

He walked around the place seeing no trace of his brother. He felt like something wrong will happened, and he did not like it. Something bad always happens when Daniel is always left alone.

"Elijah! Where are you?" Daniel called out for his brother. His voice echoed through the restaurant. He knew his father work here but he knew he is probably in the employees room or something.

Until four teenagers jump out of nowhere and surrounded the little kid. Daniel saw the mask and his tears started to gather. He was scared of this. He hated this kind of masks. His tears started to fell of.

"Wow, your brother is kind of a baby isn't he?" The guy wearing the Bonnie mask said. The others chuckle.

Daniel didn't look up. But his knees fell to the floor.

"It's hilarious" Daniel heard his own brother said. He's brother teasing him in front of his friends. Daniel felt crushed. It hurts when someone relative to you would hurt you that much.

"Why don't we help him get a closer look? He will love it!" His brother said with a dramatic cheery voice.

"No! Please!" Daniel pleaded. He didn't want to go somewhere else. He didn't want to go to a place where they would take him.

"Come on guys, let's give this little man a lift. He wants to get up close and personal!" Elijah said. The words echoed in Daniel's mind.

Where are they gonna take him?

The teens started to carry Daniel up and started to walk "No! I don't wanna go!" Daniel squirmed. He move around trying to loose the grip of the teenagers. They started to walk towards the show stage.

"You heard the little man! He said he wants to get even closer! Ha ha ha!" Elijah laughed. The others are smiling underneath the animal masks.

Until they had reached the show stage.

"Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!" Daniel's heart skipped a beat.

'No. No! NO!!! I don't want to!' Daniel thought. He cried and struggles out but he wasn't set free.

"On THREE!" His brother announced.

Elijah and Ben started to swing Daniel a little as he squirmed to set free.

"One....." Elijah said. Daniel's eyes widening and struggles and once again he was still in the tight grip.

"Two....." Elijah said and him and Ben started to swing Daniel farther.

Until this wrong move started and change it...

Both Elijah and Ben's hand suddenly slip off of Daniel and they swung him up and suddenly Daniel's face went straight into Fredbear's mouth which was wide open.

Daniel tried to get out but his tears started to blur his vision and the tears moise into the spring lock and then his head was bitten.


The teens back. They saw Daniel's body became lifeless. Blood pour down of Fredbear's mouth. The teens stared on the view.

Elijah felt hot tears gathered in his eyes. His brother died because of him.

A bunch of employees started to rush over the source of the scream "What happened?" Vincent asked and suddenly his question was answered. He saw his son. The other employees stared back and just stood in silence.

Vincent saw Elijah with tears and his other friends standing.

Vincent walk towards to the animatronic and took of his son out of the mouth of an animatronic. "D-Daniel..." Vincent murmured and hold up his bloody son up to him and hugged it. He fell to his knees "CALL THE AMBULANCE, NOW!!!" Vincent yelled and the employees started to call 911.

The ambulance arrived about after 4 minutes. Daniel was layed down on the bed "Ow, He seems badly damaged, but we'll try our best to help" One of the paramedics said.

"Thank you so much" Vincent said "We'll just need your phone number so we can call you when something happens to him" The paramedics said. Vincent gave them his number and they sent Daniel to the hospital.

Vincent stood outside the restaurant facing towards the direction where the ambulance went. Elijah and his friends walked out the restaurant in silence and stood behind Vincent.

"What have you done, Elijah?"Vincent asked without turning around "I-I didn't k-knew that would ha-happened. I-I didn't mean to d-do i-it" Elijah stuttered staring down the ground.

"Now, look how far your little game went. It ends here, Elijah" Vincent said and just walked off, leaving Elijah sobbing with his hands on his face.

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