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Adam's parents were not happy. Adam waited for their arrival just outside the door, he could feel his nerves in disarray.

John, his little brother, gasped in surprise as he saw his face. "What happened to you?" he asked the minute he stepped out the carriage.

"I got into a fist fight with the monkey at the circus," he replied playfully as he rubbed John's hair with his fist. John squirms away and enters the house directly to Perry, their sheep dog.

Adam Lancaster Sr. stood tacitly watching him carefully. He couldn't believe that his own son was capable of such vile thing. Sure, he was popular with girls, and yes, he liked flirting, but he was a gentleman. He knew how to treat a lady, he instructed him himself. Adam's mother, having heard the gossip back from where they were and refusing to believe a single word of it, embraces his son with just as much love as always.

"I brought you some herbs for your injuries," she said lovingly. "Why don't you come inside and I'll treat them?"

Adam nodded, and his mother made her way inside. Adam took a few steps towards his father, who kept watching him mutely, but stopped as he sees his glaring eyes.

"Come to my study. I want a word with you," he commanded.

They walked silently inside their house, and up the stairs. His mother and brother have locked themselves in their rooms, only their footsteps were heard in the silence. Once they entered his father's study, where he had broken the news about Adam's engagement a few weeks ago, Adam took a seat as well as his father.

"Now, want to explain to me why in the name of God would you get involve with Miss Sophia Willis days before the wedding?"

"Is that what you heard?"

"No," replied his father firmly. "I heard that you forced her and that Mr. Willis came by and gave you a beating, that quite frankly, you deserved."

"I did not force anybody to do anything."

His father leaned back in his chair. "I know you didn't force anyone, I didn't raise you to be an animal. But why would you consummate before the wedding? Honestly, I am very surprised with Miss Sophia Willis, I thought she was raised better. I thought she was different from her sister, but I supposed I was wrong."

Adam could feel his whole body stiffen as he heard the last words. "Father, will you please allow me to explain?"

Mr. Lancaster rubs his eyes hesitantly then says, "Please."

Adam takes a deep breath then starts, "Five years ago, I met Miss Lucia Willis at a party. She was the prettiest girl I had seen. She was very provocative and sensual, and I found myself desiring her. So, she approached me and she invited me to her room. At the time, The Lancaster's were away, so I accepted."

His father watched him tacitly as if questioning his son's words.

"Listen father, I know I acted stupidly and I know I shouldn't have done it, but I promise you that I have respected Miss Sophia. She is nothing like her sister. She is caring and respectful. She's shy and intelligent. I promise you that I haven't touched her."

His father nods thoughtfully. Was he hearing a tone of attachment towards his fiancé? He smiles. "I believe you. Just don't make another stupid mistake. Tomorrow morning I will go speak to Mr. Lancaster. I will explain the situation and hopefully he could change."

"He already knows." His father looks at him surprised. "I went this morning. I explained myself to him and he even allowed me to speak to Miss Sophia."

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