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The wedding was the biggest event in town. Busybodies wanted to see Lucia Willis in the Convent's uniform and longed for something, anything that would make Lucia lose her mind and confess her love for Adam. Others wished to see the immaculate Sophia dressed in pure white walking down the church's aisle. Women watched sadly, with tears on their eyes as the most desired bachelor was about to be a married man.

The church was so full that spectators burst out the door, just for a glimpse of the beautiful bride. The ceremony was as expected. Sophia, in her simple white dress and the white veil over her face, was by far the prettiest bride Lakewood has had in the last five years. Adam looked handsome in his black suit, making women sigh lovingly. The Pastor went on with the ceremony as loud as he could. The vows were said, the rings were exchanged, and at the end of it all, Sophia had at last, fulfilled her dream of marrying a gentleman.

The party took place at the new Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster's new home. They danced, they cut the cake and they danced some more. Late at night, around midnight, the guests were becoming less and less. The party was tiring and they all wanted to leave the newly wedded couple enjoy their first night together. That is when Sophia started to feel her nerves taking over her body. Her hands trembled, her rapid heartbeats made it difficult for her to breathe, several times as she walked the guests out to their carriages, she found herself bending over trying to get some air in her lungs.

In the master bedroom, Sophia stands in front of the mirror as Gilda strips her from her wedding gown. Usually done by the servant but she was busy cleaning up after the party. Gilda, as a farewell, volunteered.

"You have been married, right Gilda?" Sophia asks trying to distract herself.

"Yes, a long time ago," Gilda replies as she holds the wedding dress in her hands studying its beauty.

"And were you nervous?"

"No. My marriage wasn't arranged, I married for love."

"Oh." Sophia takes a deep breath and faces Gilda.

"Do you need anything else?"

Sophia shakes her head and faces the colossal bed.

Gilda reaches for her hand and squeezes it. "You look beautiful."

Sophia smiles in reply. Gilda slips out the room quietly leaving Sophia with her own thoughts. She takes a deep breath but it hurt her chest. It is the time to accomplish her duty as a wife. She stares at the white bedspread, the white pillows, she reaches out at an attempt to unwind her mind, and she pulls on the covers making even the smallest crease disappear. She then turns back towards the mirror studying herself. Her nightgown, a gift from her mother, is just as white as the covers. It's thin fabric hugged her body in a way that makes her feel naked, the neckline is lower than she was used to, she contemplates changing into something that would make her feel more comfortable when she hears footsteps approaching the bedroom. Sophia holds her breath as she hears the door being opened. She doesn't dare to look back.

"What did you think of the party?" she hears Adam ask from behind her.

"It was good."

"You didn't think it was too much?"

"Perhaps a bit, but that's how mother intended it to be." She replies lowly unable to hide her nerves anymore.

"Are you scared?" asks Adam after a moment of silence.

"I am," she admits weakly.

Adam places his hand on her bare arm, the feeling strange but delightful at the same time. He slowly turns her to face him, Sophia drops her gaze.

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