Chat #1

42 5 2

TheGoldisMine- Thorin
DratThisDwarvishRacket- Bilbo
Can'tWaittobeKing- Fili
DwarfArcher- Kili

TheGoldisMine has entered
DwarfArcher has entered
DratThisDwarvishRacket has entered
DwarfArcher: Hi uncle! Hi Bilbo!
DratThisDwarvishRacket: Why hello Kili. Where's Fili?
TheGoldisMine: Yes, where is my irresponsible heir? He's supposed to meet me in the throne room for majesty training.
DratThisDwarvishRacket: "Majesty training"?
DwarfArcher: You know Fili hates that, uncle.
TheGoldisMine: *hair flip* Nobody is as majestic as me.
Can'tWaittobeKing has entered
Can'tWaittobeKing: Am I late, Uncle? Sor-ry!
TheGoldisMine has left
Can'tWaittobeKing has left
DwarfArcher: Tomorrow, Bilbo?
DratThisDwarvishRacket: Tomorrow.
DwarfArcher has left
DratThisDwarvishRacket has left

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