FabElvenPrince- Legolas
FabElvenKing- Thranduil
dangerouselleth- Livia UndomielFabElvenPrince has entered
FabElvenKing has entered
dangerouselleth has entered
FabElvenKing: Legolas, you took my username.
FabElvenPrince: HA I was on here first, Ada, so YOU took MINE.
dangerouselleth: *squeals* LEGGY BE MINE
FabElvenPrince: O.O Who are you?
dangerouselleth: I'm Livia Undomiel.
*Grins maniacally while producing a pair of scissors* Hold still Leggy....
FabElvenKing: *Nabs popcorn* Oh this will be good...
FabElvenPrince: *whirls around* Hey!
dangerouselleth: *takes advangage of distraction to jump on Legolas's back* I'MMA GONNA LOP OFF YOU HAIR
FabElvenPrince: *screeches* NO NOT THE HAIR! *runs away*
dangerouselleth: *cling to back and cuts off hair, stuffing it into a bag* YAS! YAS! YOU SHALL BE BALD, LEGOLAS!
FabElvenPrince has left
dangerouselleth has left
FabElvenKing: *chuckles*
FabElvenKing has left*The first fangirl. Thank you all. BTW, Livia, hope you like it!*