Don'tDamageMyBurgurlar- Gandalf
FriendtoAnimals- Radagast
Skinchanger- BeornSkinchanger has entered
FriendtoAnimals has entered
TheGoldisMine has entered
DwarfArcher has entered
Skinchanger: You're welcome to it.
DwarfArcher: Huh?
FriendtoAnimals: Huh?
TheGoldisMine: Huh?
Skinchanger: You. The last one. Idiotic dwarves...
DwarfArcher: Hey!
TheGoldisMine: At least we don't live in a cabin hundreds of miles from decent folk!
Don'tDamageMyBurgurlar has entered
FriendtoAnimals: Gandalf. You're late.
Don'tDamageMyBurgurlar: Nonsense, I arrive precisely when I mean to.
Skinchanger: Yes, but at least I don't despise anybody not me.
Don'tDamageMyBurgurlar: What is going on here?
Skinchanger has left, plotting to kill Thorin
TheGoldisMine has left to muster troops
Don'tDamageMyBurgurlar has left to avert catastrophe
DwarfArcher: So... Save any animals recently?
FriendtoAnimals: I brought Sebastian back to life. Though that was before I met you. How's the relationship with Tauriel?
DwarfArcher has left, blushing fiercely
FriendtoAnimals has left, laughing.*Hi. Um. Well... I wish I could say the competition was going well, but I don't even have a single entry...
How are you guys liking the Chatroom so far? I will accept fangirls... Thorin's taken tho. :D Just post your Wattpad name, chat name, and obsession. If they're already taken, sorry. Although, right now everyone but Thorin is free... AND you can fangirl for both characters I haven't added yet and LOTR ones as well. COMMENT PLEASE!! You'd be doing me a favor.*