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I'm so so so lazy i feel bad for not updating or anything but tbh i have no clue how to start this chapter or whatever ah.

beep. beep. beep.

i suddenly wake up to the memories and images flooding back to me.

beep. beep. beep.

sirens going off. someone shaking me , almost trying to wake me up.

beep. beep. beep.

all i could distantly remember was ryleigh. my 'date' with ryleigh. her laugh, her smile, everything about her was just breathtaking.

i looked around and searched for my phone, but i couldn't find it.

i heard three knocks on the door and a blonde girl with her hair put in a bun, wearing blue nurse clothing. "mr. gilinsky? oh good you're awake."

i looked at her, and nodded my head slightly. i looked around the room then back at her.

"you've been here for two days, are you hungry? thirsty? want me to call someone?"

two days. 48 hours. i was unconscious for that long? i thought it was a few hours. not two days. "uh, no, no thankyou." i say softly, shaking my head slowly.

"you sure? I'll bring some water and some crackers just in case. and are you sure you don't want me to call anyone?"

of course i wanted her to call someone. preferably johnson. but then again i have no clue what his number is because i only have him as a contact. i don't really know his number by heart. plus he's too pissed at me to come. i just shake my head no and thank her, she walks out of the room.

a few minutes later she comes back with the water and crackers and sets them on a little table close enough for me to reach them. "if you need anything, just press that little button on the remote and me or another one of your nurses will come as soon as we can." she sends over a smile and walks out of the room.

"i really should've asked about my phone" i mutter under my breath as i tried to move into a comfortable position.

i turned on the tv and started watching modern family because that's what was on and i was too lazy to change it, then a few minutes later i dozed off for the rest of the night.

I'm super tired and school started so i mean im sorry for the crap chapter.

idk how yall feel about this chapter but im just very tired wowzaaaa. anyway yeah ly guys!! xo k-swizzle!!

im not done w k-swizzle okay im sorry it's catchy and fun and swag and yeah :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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