Chapter 17

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I wiped my eyes and took my hands from his "Yes.... Enough isp enough...." I know I'm telling him now that it's over but...truth be told, I still and always will have a soft spot for him. His eyes got wet and he looked crushed...completely... I put my head in my hands and tried to stop the tears but they just came down like a waterfall. About 30 mins later I finally looked to an empty spot across from me, I looked down at my plate and just left it there. I can't eat right now. I got up and left the room as fast as I could, slowly falling deeper into an emotional wreck with each step. Why am i so hurt? I broke up with him!....loosing Roman is like loosing a piece of me, I got to my room and saw that his stuff wasn't there. That's when reality hit me like a ton of bricks... He's chest started to sting and I clutched it "Skylar?" I turned around and expected to see him, but was met my my own reflection. I walked over to the mirror and stared at me "I shouldn't have done that... No! I did the right thing!!......." I sighed "Then why the hell does it hurt so much" I ran my hands through my hair and sat on the couch in silence for a while.
(Roman POV)
Nothing matters anymore, my whole life is fucked up! I shove my stuff in the car and drive to the bar, lately I've been drinking alot. It helps me alot, I walked in and order the strongest drink they had "Why am I such a fuck up" I looked at Sky's ring in my hand "What's troubling you?" I looked over to see a boy that looked to young to be here "heart break. She was my life, man. She was gorgeous, inside and out and definitely a rare find" I chuckled and he just nodded as my drink came, I drank it and let the strong substance sting the back of my throat "I had it all, perfect Fiance. 2 perfect little girls, I had my own little family going for me...then I decided to go after pure trash" I drank the last and ordered another one "First time cheating?" I took a sip and shook my head "Third" "Makes more sense...What made you do it" I shrugged and quickly drank the rest "Dude, you should slow down that shit is strong" "Ill be fine" I tried to take it but I pushed him away, by now I could feel the Alcohol taking control "Fuck you! I'm a grown man!" I drank 2 more cups before the bartender spoke "Take that shit somewhere else, man" "Fuck this place" I stormed out of the bar and into my car "I don't need this shit" I sped out out the parking lot
(Skylar POV)
"Alright, you get 2 weeks! Then it's back to business" I nodded "Thank you Stephanie, its really appreciated" she hugged me "Hope things get better for you" I rushed off and got my things from Deans locker room "I'm going home Dean" "What? Why?" "I'll let Roman tell you" his face dropped as realization hit him "I'll call you when I get there" I didn't wait for a reply before leaving. I took out my phone and searched for the recent flights
(Seth POV)
"That's right come on Scar!" She get up and tried to step but fell on her butt "Aww, its okay" Serenity stood at the edge of the couch and peeked over at me "You guys are adorable" I leaned over to kiss her forehead and she grabbed my beard "Oww! Let go" Scarlet laughed and clapped "That's not a good thing!" Serenity pulled harder and the door opened, we all looked over to see Sky dragging her luggage in she giggled at the sight of us and Serenity let go and they crawled over to her "My angels!" She crouched down and scooped them up "You guys are getting so big!!" I looked at her confused " Where's Roman?" She suddenly looked uncomfortable "So how where they?" I shrugged "No problems....felt wierd changing their diapers and giving them baths though..." She laughed and I pointed at Serenity "That one is bad! And she wouldn't sit still, at all." She looked down at Serenity who gave her the puppy eyes "Aww,your just like your mommy!" "No, your crazy" she gave me a look and I bit my lips "Sorry...You never answered my question-" her phone went off and she got up to get it "I'll be back....."
(Skylar POV )
I really want Seth to stop asking me about Roman! But I can't be mad at him because he doesn't know....-" never answered my question-" My phone went of and I furrowed my brows as an unknown number was calling me "I'll be back....." He nodded slowly before I walked out to the front porch "Hello?" I waited for a while before a worried voice rang from the other end "Hello, is this Skylar Jones?" I paused "Might I ask who this is?" "Sorry for the interruption, my name is Brenda Stratford. I'm a detective and I have some news to share with you.." "Yes this is Skylar" "Are you the wife of Joe Anoi?" Confusion came over me, since when was I married to Roman? "Yes I am, what seems to be the problem....." She sighed "Joe's body was found on the side of the road.. In a burning car"

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